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Sun rises through the dark mist of forests, only certain rays can cross through mists and fogs lighting the land a little around the dark cabin, informing Aaron that dawn is here.

He glanced at the window from his position on the bed, sighing a little. He realised that he might have spent the whole night watching his wife sleep with that adorable little smile on her face. She was serene, he thought. While, he wants and tries to make her smile more often, something always stops her from fully letting go and enjoy herself, and he can read it.

He was glad that she liked this place, and very much so. The joy on her face made his heart swell with some deep unknown emotion. She didn't need to use words for him to know what she was feeling because she was very expressive, but he liked hearing it coming from her lips, that she loved this place.

His grandad was more father to him than his dad, and this place was more like home than any other to him. This place hold memories of his grandparents and their childhood.

He gently untangle himself from Mia's hold, she moved a little but didn't wake up. She liked her sleep a little too much for that, he smiled at that thought and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

He climbed down the stairs quietly. He had a sleepless night but he was too much energetic for the day. He felt giddy, he had started to realize that maybe his wife had started ruling his heart. He smiles when she was happy and worries when she was sad. It feels cliché, and he didn't hate it as much as he thought he would. It was quite opposite.

He made his way to the bathroom to freshen up, which was or the down the hallway. This place has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a library and only one bathroom. So, he wasn't surprised when he came out and saw Arnav impatiently waiting on the door. He threw him a look before marching inside.

"You should have knocked." He sang with a smirk before making his way to the kitchen. He started making tea and preparing for breakfast.

Arnav came in to see his brother cook like the expert he was. He mumbled a morning before pouring a cup of tea for himself.

"Can I help with something?",Arnav asked leisurely not really caring because he already knew the answer. He can't, it's not his department.

"Yes", Arnav smirked before motioning toward a stool in the corner of the kitchen,"by sitting their and filling me up more about what's going on?" His playful tone took a serious turn at the end of the sentence.

He sat on the stool and stared out of the window, sun rays streaming inside and lighting the room up. He took a deep refreshing sip before glancing at his brother and replying earnestly,
"It feels good to be back here."


Aaron walked inside his room, to find Mia sat up staring out of the window at the thick canopy of trees. She turned towards him and smiling lazily at him. Some rays fluttered on the side of her face. By the looks of it, she just woke up moments ago.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She mumbled practically latching onto him and snuggling inside his chest, as he sat on the bed. Her voice softer than normal, telling him that she woke up just moments ago.

He chuckled and hugged her back. "About that,"he whispered in her ear, "You look adorable when you sleep."
He felt her shiver as he roamed his hand along her spine. Her body was getting comfortable with his and she was too.

She moved away after a moment, biting her lip before replying with a cute pout, "It is not an excuse." She climbed out of the bed and started folding the blankets.

"It isn't."he hugged her from behind and nuzzled in her neck taking her scent in. She stopped for a moment before resuming her work.

"You should go down stairs and freshen up, breakfast is ready." He said while trying to take sheets from her hand.

"You cooked?"


"Aaron...," She started with a thoughtful tone,"You can't spoil me so much, if you do all the work, what will I do and plus you are making me lazy." She tried to sound it casual but he sensed her distress. Her change in mood was so abrupt.

He let her made the bed before making her sit on the edge of it. He put his fingers beneath her chin and made him look in his eyes. He was blinded by the beauty in them but the distress didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Just tell me, do you like my cooking?"
She tried to nod her head but she held her chin firmly. "Words princess."

"Yes." She breathed and he smiled.

"Do I like cooking?"


"Then, where is the problem?" She opened her mouth to reply but closed it. The problem was, she was supposed to be doing all of this 'household work' and not him. But of course she couldn't say it. Not like this, not when he was treating her like a child, so early in the morning. She brought it upon herself.

He saw her debating herself. He let go of her chin and crouched down on his knees before her, taking her hands in his. Even on his knees , he was only down to her eyes level.

"I like spoiling you. What I do for you is so much less than what I want to do for you. So stop berating yourself over this. Hmm?" He paused to catch her reaction. She was listening him intently. She relaxed against him.

"Okay." She said shakily and a little irritatingly. He felt like he was getting to her. He smiled at that.

"Plus, what you will do is enjoy. I want you to enjoy, baby. Do you understand that?"

"Stop talking to me like a child. I am not a child." She whined lightly and tried to pull away her hands but he held them tightly.

"What can I do? you act like one." He teased her.

She can feel herself blushing, it was not embarrassment. It was like, Aaron's little teasing pushed all her negative thoughts away. What was happening to her? She closed her eyes, feeling painfully shy. Her feelings are all over the place.

"Just let me go." She wisphered, "Please."

Aaron released her hands and she fled from the room, leaving Aaron chuckling to himself.



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