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His life was prison.

So, a thought of a actual prison was not that much scary. And moreover he thought that he deserved to be in an actual one for what he did or rather didn't.

He didn't save his brother.

He watched and let it play out. Only, if he knew that his brother would be hurt, he would do things differently Or maybe not.
He let his fear and anger control his decisions way more than he liked. He, Arnav rathore was a coward.

But he can't let things happen this way. He can't be this way. Not anymore.

He surrendered himself to the Police, took the blame. He relayed to them that the accident was not an accident.

He knew the motive. He knew what would happen.

But he didn't knew that his brother would be hurt instead of that woman.

He could not care much if that woman lives or die. He only care about his brother and he could not forgive himself for what happened.

And He deserved to be punished.


Three months later....

"Such a fucked up situation. Huh?" The thick bearded police officer said to his junior officer Kabir, while they sat in the police station looking at the messed up files. They both are working on the investigation of accident/murder attempt on Aaron Rathore, ceo of RFC.

This case has been with them for two months and what had appeared to be a brother rivalry of some sort has evolved into something much more complicated.

"So let's get the stats right, shall we?" Kabir said looking into the eyes of his senior, Manoj, as he started.

"First, Aaron was hit by a truck on 28th of January at 1:00pm, approx. And the driver of the truck was missing from the site. Since then, Aaron Rathore is in coma and hadn't woken up yet."

"That's correct."

"And exactly one week later, on 4th of February, Arnav Rathore, younger brother of Aaron, had surrendered saying that he was the one behind the accident of the car."

"The one, diagnosed with bipolar disorder." Added Manoj with a sigh. "And he hadn't said anything after saying that he was responsible for the accident. And he went into a panic and anxiety attack soon after, and we had to rehabilitate him."

"After that, many layers had been opened in this case." Kabir grabbed the photo of Meera Rathore and  Keshav Rathore, mother and father of Aaron Rathore and pinned it to the wall. "So, this woman is our main testimony after Arnav and not mentally ill for once."

"Yes, apparently she couldn't bear the news of her younger son going into jail, and came forward to help in the investigation because she was sure that Arnav even in insanity would not try to harm his brother and She testified that her husband was  involved in the accident. And that man is our main suspect." Manoj added.

"Hmm. The accident was meant to kill or endanger Mia Rathore. She has shares of crores in the company left by her father. If she was not married and died that share will go to charity, but since she was married her husband could lay a claim on the money. Mr. Keshav and his co-partner Nathan knew about this and wanted to take advantage of it."

"Apparently, Nathan was not the real owner of the company. He was only it's guardian until Mia became legal to inherit the company. But they were unaware about that." Kabir took out the photo of Nathan from the file and pinned it to the wall hard, as if pinning the real person himself.

"And so they planned the wedding and stuff. Sophia, daughter of Mr. Nathan hadn't actually ran away, as they were told, it was plan to trap Mia in wedding with Aaron. And Somehow, Aaron was unaware about this?" Manoj frowned.

"Hard to believe, but he was the one lying on a ventilator and in a coma for more than three months. So, it must be true." Kabir added.

"And Ms. Meera knew, she was threatened by her husband, so she didn't come up before." Manoj looked at the photo of serene looking women again, "Can't beleive she would let her husband kill someone, only for the sake of his son she had spoken. What if it was Mia who was got hit? Would this layers be unveiled?"

That was the question that only in time could be answered.

"And what about the Mother and brother of Mia?"

"What about them?"

"Were they aware about what was going on before the marriage or suspected it?"

"No." Manoj answered."At least this is what they had testified. We had no reason to believe anything else. It was a plan to endanger Mia, her mother wouldn't willingly participate in it."

"And What evidence we have got against Keshav Rathore?" Kabir asked.

"They were not trying to be more discrete or anything, and very careless as if certain that no one will found about their plan. We held in our custody the driver of the truck who hit Mia's car. We traced him down through cctv footages. And he told us that Keshav Rathore was the man who paid him to do this. And also that they were not aware that Aaron had come back from New York. He apparently didn't tell anyone or Mr. Keshav didn't expected it anyway. He was instructed to wait for the car. He hadn't bothered to check who was inside it." Manoj swore under his breathe frustrated.

"We have in Custody Mr. Nathan and his daughter, but we weren't able to capture the one main suspect Keshav Rathore, he fled before we could reach him and we were not able to trace him yet."

"Yet!" Repeated Kabir and balled his fist on his sides. "But we will soon have him by his neck."


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