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"What?" Aaron entered the living room with with phone pressed on his ear and a frown on his face.

"You are coming here, Why?" He had went out somewhere and looking at his attire dark brown tux and formal wear, it was confirm that he had gone to some work. Aaron removed his shoes and shocks and placed his brief case on the side table neatly, he likes things on their place, well maintained.

"I thought, we are not doing that this year," He noticed Mia sitting on the couch and watching the movie they left uncompleted previous night, who was now observing him. He gave her a tired smile.

She smiled back hesitantly, and Aaron can literally feel her blushing, he smirked when she turned back to the movie slightly dazed.

"Oh, no it's not that, you know it." After a slight pause he added, "Ugh,you know, do whatever the fuck you want." His tone held no contempt. He went upstairs to his room and Mia could no longer hear the conversation. But she was curious.

She decided to spent the day out of her room, to prevent depressive thoughts and the day almost went nicely. But she missed Aaron's presence from time to time. What was wrong with her?

She sighed and returned her attention to the movie.

Sometimes later, Mia watched Aaron descend from the stairs in violet-t and black joggers, it was nice to see him out of suits, it gives her feeling, that she could saw a part of him, rest of the world couldn't, the relaxing, comforting,caring part of him.

A frown formed on her face, when she realised that this could be his personality to be caring and maybe he took pity on her, a girl that would be sharing his household for a year or he have to be forced to walk on thin ice.

She was nothing special to him, how could she be?

"What's wrong, beautiful" His voice startled her, out of her thoughts. A swarm of butterflies woke up in her stomach on his compliment,she was getting used to them, more than just used to them. She was starting to crave them, just like now, she wanted him to cross the distance and peck her forehead.

It was cliche, yeah, but a forehead kiss would do, for now.

But the butterflies died instantly when her earlier argument crossed her mind. Now, when she wasn't vulnerable enough, the most she can do was maintain the distance with him, despite this insane urge to be with him.

It was nothing more than a teenage crush, which would pass with time.

"Nothing." Her voice was low and cold. She ignored Aaron's inquisitive gaze, because she was unable to withhold herself from drowning into their depth.

They are the forbidden sea, beautiful and mysterious, but she couldn't dwell too deep. She couldn't afford to drown.

"Ah, well, how was your day?" He asked surveying to the kitchen. She was torn between her heart and mind. Of course, the right thing to do was switch-off the T.V. and staunter to her room, but she did the opposite, almost subconsciously despite her inner battle.

She followed him to the kitchen.

"Fine, how was yours?" She stood in the entrance, unsure. He was rummaging through the cabinets.

"Boring, I missed you." He gave her a charming smile and her heart skipped a beat. Stupid heart.

"So, how about curry in dinner?" She smiled, it was like their routine, but she hadn't finished fangirling over him. He was just too cute when he cook.

"It's fine." She replied."How can I help?" While she didn't mind him cooking, she felt like a burden doing nothing here. She didn't want that, she was already useless in eyes of many.

Ah, what was that phrase.

Good for nothing.

"Help me with this." he said pointing towards a plate of veggies.

She nodded and fell in rythm of the work. She washed the veggies and started cutting them. A comfortable silence falling between them. She was thankful for that.

She was never one for engaging in conversation. Even if they talk, the talk was random, simple, never serious, never family.

She almost forgot about her job in Delhi, it was a good thing that the marriage was at the start of summers and she has two months to think on it.
But the reason to delay was the fear of unknown, she didn't want any permanent change in her life. All she could think was, that this was another phase for time being and it will pass and she can continue with her life again.

"What are you thinking so hard?" Aaron startled her. Damn her.

"About my job." She replied, well if he ever followed her on instagram, he would know what job she was talking about, which she doubt he did.

"What about it?" He said after a initial silence.

"Do you know what job I am talking about?" She asked mischievously. At some point it time acquiring a job was her goal, but now when she have it, it didn't feel like any sort of accomplishment. It was what it was, just a security.

"Yes, I know." He set aside the dough he made and washed his hand in the sink. The kitchen was spacious, but it felt small when he stood just beside her. She quirked an eyebrow at him.

"You work as an assistant professor in Delhi, quite an achievement who was just 24 with a dual degree and topped in a couple of national level exams. How did you do it?" He inquired standing right in front of her.

"How do you know?" She asked instead of replying.

"I have my sources." He replied with a smile.

"How much do you know?"

"Not much,wife, just what everybody knows. I want to hear from you, about you. I want you to tell me, everything, every little thing, which matters or doesn't." His eyes held sincerity, certainty, like he was really interested in knowing more about her. But why?

"Because, we can't act like a couple, if we miss that little information, about ourselves, in front of others?" She answered her own question, without meeting his eyes. It has to be. No-one was interested in her. It was the only possible reason.

He laughed but there was no humour in it. He tilted her chin so that she was looking into his eyes.

"Do you really think so?" His tone was low-tender, like he was hurt.

She moved from the little space to the other side of kitchen. Away from him. She couldn't handle that proximity, she just forgot to breath.

"I don't know," she stated truthfully. She didn't know where this was going.


Hello lovelies!

So, how was it?

My favourite line in this was when he said he missed Mia.
It was very rare we tell our loved ones, we missed them, on a daily basis, even if you do.

What was yours?

Comment your thoughts on the story.

Until next time,




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