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Mia was in shock.

They just avoided an accident. Another car was coming towards them and Aaron just turned the wheels in time and missed the hit so narrowly.
It was a small street and they also nearly avoided toppling over the mountain.

She had lurched forward and her head had collided with the window sheild, there was no blood so no gash fortunately, but a lot of pain. Her head felt dizzy and she anticipated there would be a big bruise and swelling forming.

She didn't moved a muscle until Aaron got off that small narrow road into a wider one and pulled over in an open field. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She didn't know if everyone was affected by the situation as she was, but if they wasn't, she didn't want the one to overreact.

Her heartbeat was fast and her head was alert but foggy at the same time. She didn't expect to feel this way. She didn't expected that they would nearly be in an accident.

"We are safe." Aaron mumbled.

"That was a close one." Arav agreed.

"Mia, Are you okay?" Aaron voice was so close, soft and loud at the same time. Mia nodded her head but she couldn't say yes before she opened the door of the jeep and puked her guts out. Aaron was immediately beside her, rubbing her back and holding her hair out of the way.

Everyone got out and Arav handed her a bottle of water to wash up. After she finished, she was mortified. She didn't even know she was that afraid.
Why she was the fragile one?

Aaron gave her a hug to calm her down and it reduced some of the anxiety that she was feeling. He inspected the bruise on her forehead for a bit before asking everyone if they were alright.

"It okay. We are safe now." Mia nodded and hugged Aaron's chest. She took some moments to let him go.

"Let's go. I am fine." Mia mumbled. She was exhausted and she was feeling dizzy.

"Sit in the back, Arav please drive." Aaron gave the car keys to Arav as he also sat in the middle seat along with Mia and Manvi took her place. Arnav was watching whole ordeal and he also climbed in the back seat when Arav started the engine.

Aaron put an arm around Mia and gathered her close, she turned towards him and whispered, "I really am okay, now." Aaron just nodded and took out a medical kit kept in the back and nursed her wound. Mia didn't know how she looked but she felt horrible. Aaron took her hands in his and Mia laid her head on his shoulder. This has become her perfect place. She chewed some mint chocolate to chase away the urge to vomit again.

Nobody talked after that and because her body was exhausted due to shock and nerves, she easily fell asleep.

When she woke up, their car had already stopped.

Aaron was on his phone, scrolling. Mia frowned and got up. They had stopped seemingly under a shed and only they were there.

"Have we reached?" Mia couldn't look up to Aaron because they were so close and Mia was practically on Aaron even though there more than enough space was left on the seat. "And everyone?" Mia asked.

"They are arranging the tents." Aaron said putting down the phone.

Mia sighed and got out from the other side of the jeep, but Aaron was quicker than her and he trapped her between her and the door as soon as she got out.

"I am Sorry." Aaron whispered in her ear. He wanted this day to be perfect but then he couldn't even drive properly.

"It's.." Mia took a deep breath again. "Let just help others." She tried to move but Aaron just trapped her more.


"Can I kiss you?" She was cut off by Aaron's bold demand. She looked up and felt that they were both really just shaken up by the last few hours. So she just nodded. She felt they both needed to know they were with each other.

Aaron kissed her, it felt like someone who was sinking in the ocean had taken a gasp of breathe.

They parted, both out of air. Aaron stepped back and lifted Mia in a bridle style. Mia wasn't protesting because she realised she wanted this and she shouldn't let her doubts come in between their moments of togetherness.

When Aaron let her down, they were in a field which filled with colourful flowers and beautiful hills and waterfall. Purple coloured flowers stood out the most and beautify the whole area. It was beautiful and it felt magical.

Arav and Arnav was making the tent on the bank of the waterfall and Manvi waved in their directions who was arranging some fold in chairs. Mia started making her way towards her, but stopped and turned to look at Aaron.

"Thank you." She whispered.


They erected the tents in less time than Mia had anticipated.

Aaron took the responsibility to cook something for them. They had brought all the necessary appliances they would need and so because they had done it a few times before. Manvi was also helping Aaron. They both had refused to take her help, so she stayed with Arav and worked on making this place more cozier. Arnav ha wandered somewhere and Mia didn't ask.

After they finished, they sat on the folded chairs, which was now adorned with soft blankets because it was getting chillier as the sun settled.

Supper arrived and everybody ate silently, even Arav, who was always the cheerful and happy one.
So, after we finished dinner Mia nudged him in the stomach and told him that she was bored. Well, the looks she had received from others was worth the night of a series of games and idle chatting. Arnav participated too, so that was new. But he was a new personality altogether around his brothers, almost. It was hard to overlook the similarities between them, when they were carefree and joyful.

The night ended on a much better note than it has started.

Inside our tent, Aaron kissed her lightly before pulling away ordering her to go to sleep. Ah, She wanted more but settled in her sleeping bag deciding, it had been a long day.

She was woken up in the middle of night by Aaron. And and she realised that she was crying while having nightmare about the accident. She looked regretfully towards Aaron and told him to that she was fine but he wasn't buying it.

Then he suggested that they both sleep together in his sleeping bag, they will be close.

Once the idea of being close to Aaron had terrified her, but it was thrilling now. While her mind wanted her to decline she didn't and slipped inside. Aaron was right, his warmth gave unbelievable comfort to Mia and she settled back pressing herself into him, drifting into a more peaceful sleep than before.



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