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She woke up with a start.

The first thing she registered is pain, in her lower stomach.


And the second thing her foggy mind grasped is how intimately they were tangled. Her face is buried in his chest and a heavy arm is draped around her waist, and there legs were intertwined. A hot feeling travelled through her body, but it didn't managed to overpower the pain she was feeling.

She slowly and painfully untangled herself from him and sat on the bed. She watched the time on bedside clock, 3:30 am.


She made her way to the washroom. She hate it when something woke up her early than she was supposed to.
And this was the worst way possible.

She took her time. She brushed, showered, and wore the comfiest clothes possible, T-shirt and pajamas and tried to not make any noise which wake up Aaron. He was still sleeping.

When she finished, she was just ready to cry. Her grumpiness from waking so early hadn't left and she was in more pain.

Her period pains was just unbearable.

She made her way to the couch with a small blanket and stared out of the window.

The sun will be rising.

She smiled when she remembered what transpired between them yesterday. But she was confused, whenever she had given a choice, to take a step forward or backward, she took the later, knowingly or unknowingly.

She remembered, last night she was standing there, staring at there bed, unsure. After all those kisses in the day, sharing a bed was not only sharing a bed. It could be a lot much more. And God knows, she isn't ready for more.

"Afraid, I will do something." He startled her, coming from behind. She sharply turned to see him in grey t-shirts and shorts, his hair still damped from the shower he took.

Her legs felt like jello and she sat on the edge of bed, and replied a short, "No".

He towel tried his hair and then slowly made his way towards her, just stopping before her.

"You are a bad liar." He stated with a smile.

"Aaron." She said his name, and hoped her voice could reveal, how unsure she was because she doesn't want to use more words.

"I know, " He said and cupped her face, his hands cold, "As much as I want to make progress with you, I also want to give you the time you need. Just don't take forever." And then he pecked her lips.

Last night, confirmed that, he is going to kiss her more, whenever he wants, and she was sure she was going to enjoy every second of it.

The butterflies didn't make it better obviously. She clutched her stomach with a groan. She sat in a fetal position on the couch and watched as the different shades of blue start to dance in the sky. She breathed in a morning breeze and tried to relax.

At least, she can enjoy the sunrise. She was so lost in the scenery changing ahead of her, she didn't registered him waking.

"Mia." She turned to look at Aaron, in his morning sexy hair.

"Hey, good morning." She tried to smile but it came out more as a grimace. It was still very dark in the room. She was sure he couldn't figure out where she was until she uttered those words.

"Why up so early?" He asked. She just shrugged in embarrassment.

Thankfully, he made his way toward the bathroom, without asking any questions.

Few minutes later, he reappeared and stood in front of her.

"What happened?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. A dim orange glow was starting to surround them.

"I-I am on my periods." She stuttered embarrassed.

"Oh" He replied. He surely didn't knew how to act in this situation, he don't even have a sister. She thought.

He came forward to touch her.

She leaned back, her face heating with embarrassment.

"Y-you know, In my home, back...." She nervously started, he stared at her with expressionless face, hands still hovering mid air, ".... In periods, we are kinda isolated, we aren't allowed to be touched." She cast her eyes downwards looking at her hands.

"Mia," His voice was surprisingly gentle, too gentle. "Look at me."

She looked up at him.

"I don't believe in that, trust me I don't. Do you want me to?" She sort of understand what he was saying. He lived in NY, he didn't believe in any kind of this old ritual, and he didn't have to.

She shook her head in negative.

"Words, I need words."

"No, Aaron." She stated shakily.

"Good." He said grabbing my face in his hands and kissing my forehead. She relinquished in the feeling, but still in pain, she moaned.

"Do you need pills?" His eyes showing concerned.

"No, I don't take pills. The pain will go away after some time." But her mood will remain obscure the entire week. Bloody harmones.

Why I have to be a woman? I hate you, God. She thought.

"You sure about that?" His concern remain unfazed. But she seriously don't do pills, she just follow through. She nodded.

"Ok, so I just tuck you into the bed, you will be more comfortable in there, then the couch."

Before she could protest, he scooped her up in his arms, bridal style and her stomach flipped in protest. With a loud moan she pressed her face in his chest.

"You haven't dried your hair." She was unbothered about her wet hair after her so early morning shower, but obviously Aaron didn't.

He tucked her in the bed after towel drying her hair, dismissing her all futile efforts to stop him. At last, She surrendered and allowed herself to enjoy the tending, her so beloved husband provided.

And went to sleep, watching the sun bloat high up in the sky.



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