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He had been awake for three days now.

Everyone had been so silent. It didn't go unnoticed by Aaron that everyone was hiding something from him. What could have happened when he was not concious? This thoughts roamed his mind. He felt fine physically. And he was allowed to leave the hospital after thorough check up.

Two days, they did walking practice to free up his legs. He didn't have any broken bones now but he had before. Looking at his reports he guessed that he had been in coma for probably more than six months. He had head injury, so doctor had tested him for memory examination. His memory was okay or that was what at least the doctor told him.
He wouldn't be able to eat solid food because his digestive system was not used to that anymore. He had lost weight but otherwise he was doing fine.

But his family was not.

He knew just by looking at them. His accident had caused that or something else he was not sure about. He didn't ask many questions because fairly he knew he will get all the answers eventually.
They were all glad to see him alive and awake. And he also focused on reassuring them that he was not getting anywhere. Especially his wife.

He was getting discharged today. He was glad. He wanted to be home, he wanted to know what had gone down when he was asleep. For the time being, he just watched them treat him like a chinese doll. He was slightly amused and slightly worried.

"Bhai, you would use the wheelchair and that is non negotiable." Arav told him sternly. He was used to seeing his brother caring like a mother but the seriousness was something new.

"I am able to walk, Arav. Even doctor had said that I can walk and it will not injure me." Aaron tried again. It wasn't like he wants to argue with Arav, he was really uncomfortable with the idea of sitting on a wheelchair when he could walk with some support, of course. "Chhote, you make him understand. You were there when doctors told me I can do without the wheelchair." He looked at Arnav, asking for his help.

"Sorry bhaiya, But I am with Arav bhai with this one." Arnav brought the wheelchair inside the room and unfolded it.

"You too, chhote." He said accusingly but without any accusation. "I am not going to sit on the wheelchair. You can't make me." Arav was going to say something again but Mia walked in halting the argument.

She looked breathtaking in the pink simple saree she wore. She didn't acknowledge him first, instead she inspected the room before her gaze settled on him slowly. She smiled at him.

"What's the discussion about?" She asked Arav while raising an eyebrow. She came inside and put down the bag she brought with her on the chair. "Bhaiya, he didn't want to use the wheelchair." Arav replied.

"Aaron, why not?" She asked.

"I can walk you know. I really don't need wheelchair right now." She looked at the wheelchair and than at Arnav and Arav.

"You only have to sit till we reach outside the hospital. It will be more comfortable for you." She reasoneda.

"You are also on their side. It's not fair." At least she should support him.

"Aaron, please."

"Okay. I will use the wheelchair, fine." He resigned. When Mia ask him like that, he cannot say no.

"Bhabhi, Bhaiya only listens to you." Arav pouted and Mia laughed lightly.

"You got what you want Arav, isn't that enough. Now, can you check at the reception desk that all the dues are paid?" She said and Arav responded, "On it."

"Arnav, Dr. Mishra has Aaron's report." She looked at him and he nodded, "I know what I have to do." He started moving but Mia stopped him.
"Wait, have you had breakfast?" She asked carefully and for a second, Arnav just looked at her. "I had." He answered before leaving the room.

Mia sighed as they were left alone.

She looked at him. She appeared calm and for the first time Aaron couldn't detect a hint of nerves in her. He knows that she was worried but she had hidden it effectively.

"Aaron, you have to change from the hospital clothes. I have brought clothes and food. You must be hungry." She started to unpack and he just watched her.

She looked at him when she was done. "What?" She asked slowly and he just shook her head. He has observed that she was different, more bossy. But he didn't want to comment on that, he enjoyed being ordered by her.

"Do you want to eat first or change?" She asked.
"I want to change, but I also want a shower." He replied.

"You can take one as soon as we get home. It will be messy in here."

"Okay. So, I will just change then." Mia smiled at him. He got down the bed. His legs were still weak so he balanced himself with the help of bedside table. Mia was at his side in an instant.

"I will help you." He changed into a simple t-shirt and pajama with Mia's help. She kept the blue hospital gown aside, neatly. He sat on the couch and Mia sat beside him. She fed him some vegetable soup. He can eat on his own but nobody will allow him to do that. He smiled at that thought. He was full within a few scoops. He ate some more, just for Mia.

Arav and Arnav returned as they finished. Mia packed all the remaining belongings of them. She checked the hospital room one last time before sighing.

"All packed." She said looking at Arav and Arnav.

Arnav took their bags and went ahead while Arav helped Aaron in the wheelchair. He smiled like he won a candy at a fair.

"I will inform the doctors that we are leaving." Arav left with that.

Mia looked at the bed where Aaron was few moments ago, then at the couch, the walls, the plants. She had spent her fifteenth months here, praying, wishing, hoping. At last, she was free.

She looked at Aaron, her love was with her.
She thanked the god, the universe, for not taking her life away from her. She will never forget this hospital room, she could just hope to move on.

"Let's go home." Mia said to Aaron.

"Let's go home." Aaron said to Mia.


I want all the love for this update 💓

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My babies are finally going to be okay😌

My babies are finally going to be okay😌

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