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I looked at him suprised as my jaw dropped open, but soon composed myself.

"Mia Khurana." I answered with a awkward smile.

Now, when I think of it, this is funny and ironic. And the reality of us was once more crystal clear in front of me. We are strangers, nothing more.

He nodded and then left.

I gazed at the empty space for a few second then moved  forward and closed the door. I sat on the edge of the bed and gathered my thoughts.

This was not simple but I didn't need to complicate it more by overthinking it. We will live together for one year and then this marriage would be over. We would move on from this.

I went to the washroom and washed my face. When I looked up I took myself in. I was dressed in navy blue salwar-kameez paired with white duppata. My earlier combed hair was a mess, and the Vermilion on my head and nupital chain didn't matching me.
It was like they were there but held no meaning to me.

I entered my room towel drying my face and eyed my bags which was sitting on the corner.

Would you really start living with a stranger, just because you were told to?

I decided to unpack later, it was like seal to this deal.

I switched on my phone. When my mobile came to life. Messages started popping up one after other. My brother had called me multiple times and there was few missed call from my Bestie.

I called Krish first.

He picked up on third ring.

"Hello brother." I greeted him in anticipation.

"What the hell, Di," he yelled back, confirming my doubts that he did know what had happened at the marriage.

"Gosh,my ears are bleeding now, you know." I replied totally dismissing his tone. He was not at the marriage, because he stayed back in Bhopal for an college interview. I was too caught up in the events to think about his reaction. But now I know he was hurt and angry.

"Di, why did you do this? Come back, Now. Wait, I am coming for you, just tell me where are you. You are not staying there, you are coming back. Right Now." He demanded, just like I had anticipated. He was overprotective little brother and I love that about him.

"Krish, calm down. I am safe, I am fine." I tried to reassure him. I am already missing him too much. I don't want him to go crazy about this marriage. 

"How can you be fine, when our Mom  married you off just like that. F**k, it is not even a marriage. If I had known I would never let this happen to you." His tone held regret, but there was no way he could have come to know about this. Everything happened so fast. And there was a silent agreement between me and my mom not to tell him about this, because we both had known his reaction.

"It's not your fault brother and don't blame Mom. It's my decision too. And Mom need you more than me, be with her." Sure, I can't forgive Mom. But I can't imagine her being on her own. She was not that strong, she liked to show.

"I am not talking to Mom. And I can't let you stay with a stranger, Di. Come on, I am the man of the family I have a right to decide and I have decided I am coming to get you, now." My 18 year old brother said.

"Wow, I hadn't known. When did you grown up so fast, Krish." I don't know how to reply to his big words without breaking into tears.

"When Mom told me what happened in Goa. What they did, what you did. This is all so wrong, Di. How can you joke about this." He stated. I am glad he saw things this way instead of whatever version of story my mom told him.

"Because, this is nothing more than a big joke to me. Krish, nothing had changed, I will come back when the situation is settled." I reassured him as well as myself. I myself doesn't know what future had it in there.

"I am very angry, Di. Very angry. I just want to make sure you are fine and I don't know how. What should I do? Di." He whispered the last part.

"Krish I am more than fine. And just be with, Mom, Okay. If she will be fine, then I will be too. You know this, right?" I don't want them to be apart because of me. And if they will be together she will be at peace. Krish always went along her more than I ever did.

After a moment, he replied. I barely held my tears in. I had this undying feelings that things are never gonna same again.

"I miss you, Di."

"I miss you too, little bro. Don't overthink this. I want you to be backbone of family, Just like you said."

"You will tell me, if anything goes downhill, right?" He asked still worried about me. I always relied on him,even when he is younger than me.

"You will take care of Mom, right?" I asked just to be sure I want him to talk to Mom.

"Di, I am still very upset with her."

"Please, don't. She needs you now more than ever."

"Alright, but you will not lie to me ever again. And you will take care of yourself." He agreed with a sigh and I smiled at the screen with tears in my eyes.

"I promise, you take care too."

"I will."

"Bye Krish." I said cutting the call and let the tears flow.


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