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"You two, have a wild sense of humor. You are aware of that, aren't you? " Manvi have the decency to look slightly embarassed while Arav still had the smug look on, while Aaron scolded them.

"Oh, come on, bhai,you are saying,like yesterday wasn't the best day of your life." Arav smirked, they knew what they were doing.

Arav was going to add more to his list of accomplishments when Arnav entered the dining room clothed in light grey T-shirt and faded jeans, effectively putting the stop on conversation.

"Wow, chhote, finally you made time for your beloved big brother. I thought you forgot about me." Arav pitched in overly feign hurt and stood from his half finished breakfast to hug him.

"Bhai, it's gross."Arnav pushed Arav away before he could touch him a slight bit and sat farthest from him, which was right beside Aaron, across from Arav.

Arav sat down grumbling something under his breath.

After that incident with Kate, She left the next morning without any notice and everyone was relieved from that even Arnav, but he knew that the calm was not going to last long.

"Arnav, where were you? You missed so much fun yesterday. " Manvi asked, She was noticing his absence, just like everyone. He was always closed off but not having him on breakfast and dinner tables was a bit too much. Especially, every time the three brothers always spend their time together when they have their little 'vacation'.

She didn't want to conclude that this strange behavior was because of Mia.

"You have a different definition of fun." Arnav commented darkly without even looking at her and started eating.

Arav was about to point out on his brother's obvious lack of mannerism, but Manvi put her hand on his hand silencing him. It was better to not make the atmosphere more tense, than it already was.

"Where is Mia?" Manvi tensed inwardly when she noticed Arnav frown. A very smooth change of topic Manvi, she said sarcastically to herself.

"She is still sleeping." Aaron muttered, when he looked up he saw mischievous smile on Arav's face, he sighed, his mind was always in gutter.
After that they ate in silence.

Manvi went in the kitchen to help Misti with the dishes and Arav took off for his room. Aaron patiently waited for Arnav to finish his meal. When Arnav stood up, he did too.

"Brother, we need to do some serious catching up, don't you think?"

"You sound like a girl. Did that new girl rubbed off on you that much, I was not expecting that." Arnav chuckled dryly.

Don't bother to reply to that, Aaron dragged his brother to his office.

"What's going on with you?" Aaron asked calmly.

"There's nothing going on with me, brother. " Arnav took a seat in one of the chair and twirled in it.

"Oh, your behavior from the last few days don't look like nothing to me." Aaron paused for a second thinking, "Mia..., I know she was not in the picture. But i don't see any reason involving her that push you to behave like this.Tell me, Is it because of her?"
There was a sudden change in Aaron's tone and it didn't go unnoticed by Arnav and he figured he has to answer honestly.

"No, It is not because of her." Arnav replied looking directly in his eyes. He watched his brother sigh softly as a sudden burden was lifted off his shoulder, but they tensed again after a thought.

"Means, there is something..."Aaron said standing directly in front of him, ".... You are not telling me. "

"Bhai, I know I am behaving like an ass, but you don't need to worry about that, I will find a solution. " At the end Arnav broke his gaze and looked down, a vulnerability on his face, which came and gone in a second but didn't go unnoticed by his brother.

"Fine, " Aaron sighed, "I won't press you to tell me, but you have to keep in check your behavior with others. It's not okay. "

"I know brother, this days are just a bit messy." Arnav looked up dropping the fight within.

"Then let's have fun and my definition of fun. " Aaron straightened with a mischievous smile and Arnav groaned.

"Fine." And first I need to apologize to Manvi. Arnav thought.



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