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It was an odd day.

Mia had received a bunch of gifts and wishes from her students and her colleagues. Their college was keen on celebrating, so they always have something planned, small or big. And they kept it small because Mia wasn't very much of a socialiser/ celebration fan.

While, everything was exactly how it had been, her brother called her at midnight to wish her, her mother wished her too. She can't be in cross with her mother for long, anyways. They talked for a while. Then, she got a message from Manvi asking that if she was awake and then she had a group vedio call with Arav and Manvi. They were same as they always were, dramatic. Nonetheless, Mia loved talking with people she really love and the duo were in the list.

Her bestfriend also called. And they talked for long hours before going to sleep almost in the morning.
Mia barely slept for two hours before she woke up to prepare for her college. She dressed herself up in a beautiful blue saree because it's her favourite colour. Mia also feel incredibly lucky for her profession as a professor at college, she always get to see and acknowledge the vibes of student life.

In her own student life and in college, she was very ambitious , and while that ambition lead her to a successful career, she didn't really made any hardcore friends in that life. There was always someone to tag along with but not anyone who she knew and vice-versa. As a teacher, she really like her students, they came in rainbows, but overall a good bunch.

She finished her last class of the day. She gathered all the chocolates and the flowers that were on her desk when she had arrived in the class. Her other classes had been the same, vibrant and cheerful, and full of demand that they would cut the class to celebrate. Well that didn't happen. Students were not so unhappy though, disappointed sure.

"Bye ma'am! Happy Birthday! Have a good day, ma'am!!

"Have a good day, you all. Thank you for the wishes and gifts! You folks are really wonderful!"

There were a bunch of chorus and greetings before she exited the class. Her classes was fun. She wasn't the one to be very excited for her birthday, she remembered she was. But a little surprise can always cheer her up.

She can't say, she has better days in last four months.

She organised her desk in the staff room before leaving for her home. She always enjoy her metro ride better than the traffic on the road.

She stepped out of the main gate. She scanned the road for the e-rickshaw. But her eyes stopped on the car standing across the street and the person that was leaning on it.

Emotions ran through her, many, that she cannot explain.

She was numb to it for the last few days. After weeks of hopelessness, she thought to leave it alone, because she ran out of tears in four months. And, Not talking and distancing was much easier after she decided to take a step back herself. But that didn't mean she wasn't hurting. It was just blanketed over. It's her coping mechanism.

Her feet started moving without her active guidance, slow yet fast, steady yet shaky, she was nervous and she didn't know how to react. What now? After not talking for months, he just wanted to surprise her, or what?

She stopped in front of him. Seeing him was different, but she was a relieved and happy. She missed him a lot and this moment strange, yet special in so many ways.

A bike zoomed past her and Aaron took this as a cue to pull her towards himself and away from the crazy, crowdy roads. It felt like time has stopped for that second, everything was in slow motion, in sync, all the noise in the background was toned down to a silent buzz, he pulled her so close but it wasn't a full hug and it didn't had to be.

"Sit inside the car." Aaron implied. His tone was simple nor comforting neither confronting. Mia just pulled her arm out of his grip slowly and opened the passenger door without saying anything. She was hoping that Aaron would take the lead for where this ride would go but that also didn't happen when Aaron slid inside and opted for a silent ride.

Mia wanted to ask, did he know about about her adress but seeing that he was or the right way, Mia just chose to let him be. It wasn't awkward, it was just silent, with a lot of hanging feelings. But Mia was just really happy to be with him, to sit with him, to know that he was here and safe and he didn't forget about her.

And plus, she was never the one for loud greetings and raucous reunions. She imagined herself to be with him just like this soft , quiet and silent, minus the contention, of course.

They were driving at the peak hour and she just knew they gonna hit traffic for long. She settled back and relaxed a little bit when they hit a traffic -jam.

She looked at Aaron, carefully gazing at his beautiful black hair, deep blue eyes and sharp jawline . He wore his typical blue suit that give vibes like he was coming back from work. She was clearly staring at how gorgeous he was. And he was hers and there was some obvious comfort in that.

Aaron looked at her but she never let her eyes down and they stared at each other for few moments, a few emotions passing through them, and she knew that he was not untouched by the emotions she was touched.

They broke off when the traffic started moving. Aaron turned ahead and switched on the radio to a beautiful melody.

And It was a slow start. Again.


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