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"Love cannot be found where it doesn't exists, and it cannot be hidden where it truly does"

The sun was rising again.

There was silence but also, the chirps of birds, the rustle of the winds, the warmth of the sun, and all of it was just comforting Mia. She was in her blissful world from which she didn't want to wake up.

In the mist, her hazy mind mulled over the light caressing hand on her hip, and she shivered. Memories of the last night engulfed her in a sweet symphony that thrummed through her, her body getting warm and embarrassed as she gained her consciousness fully.

Her eyes were still closed but she was now aware of the arm resting beneath her head occasionally fingers caressing her locks and the warmth of the chest presses to her back engulfing her like a cocoon, the silk fabric covering her and of the dull ache pulsing in her body especially her lower abdomen. But when all summed together, it's the most serene she had even been, her body lax and her mind recalling the memories of the night like a broken tape, she felt elated, free.

It was not comparable to any other feeling in the world. It wasn't what she imagined, what she read, it was better. Aaron really took time to make sure she was comfortable. He was rough yet gentle.

A slow smile curved on Mia's lips at her thoughts and she knew that it had given her away but she was too embarrassed to open her eyes and face the world and face the reality, but she was just too shy and overwhelmed in general. Everything was just too real, now.

She just didn't want to come out of this peace for a moment.

But Aaron eventually had a different plan. He leaned down near her ear and bit it before asking softly, "How are you feeling?"

Mia had no choice but to blink back the sleep from her eyes, he turned slowly in his arms acutely aware of the scarcity of clothes and space between them that she had to wriggle a little bit to peer up at beautiful blue eyes. The intensity of them was a little too much for Mia, so she quickly hid her face in the crook of his neck before mumbling an affirmative response.

Aaron let out a smooth chuckle. His eyes traced his marks which littered her collarbone in different shades of blue and purple. "Was I rough?" He asked in concern.

"No, It was good." She mumbled honestly. "I feel good." She gathered enough courage to look into his eyes and not waver under them to convey the same. Aaron was watching her, her long eyelashes, her rosy cheekbones, her swollen lips, her luscious hairs, and everything screamed perfect and his. Her shyness, her boldness. Aaron kissed her forehead. "You are beautiful."

They laid there in silence for a while enjoying the serenity of the moment, when no words were exchanged but feelings were heard and understood.

"Wanna have breakfast first or a bath?" Aaron asked when he heard Mia's stomach rumbling. They haven't eaten since last evening. Mia blushed in embarrassment. She didn't even realize that she was hungry until that movement. But her whole body was sore so she could enjoy a relaxing bath before anything.

"Bath," Mia replied after a thought. Aaron nodded and slipped out of the bed. Mia closed her eyes knowing that he wasn't wearing anything and while Aaron wasn't so conscious about it Mia was. Aaron smiled and pulled up his boxers before going towards Mia's side. "Love, you didn't get to be so shy after last night." He teased before picking her up with sheets and all. Mia shrieked and her eyes fly opened. She clutched the sheets tightly to her and threw a small adorable glare at Aaron which made him chuckle. Aaron didn't mind her acting self-conscious, not everything will change in a night.

He settled her on the counter before turning to fill the tub with warm water. He turned the knob to the warm setting before stepping in front of her, "Do you want me to stay or leave?"

Sometimes things just really get hard for Mia, but she trusted Aaron to not make it awkward. And how he always knows the right thing to say.

"I....Stay, please." It was just a whisper but Aaron heard it and it was enough for him.

"Then, let it go." Mia knew that he meant the sheets wrapped around her but it could also mean the overly conscious part of her, which was sometimes not needed, especially now.

She unwrapped the sheets and let them fall on the counter while maintaining eye contact with Aaron, he didn't look down as she had assumed, but simply picked her up without looking away from her eyes until they were both settled in the warm water and the aching muscles in her body relaxed, Mia closed her eyes in solace.

She relaxed against Aaron's chest and let the warm feelings consume her.

There were many questions hanging but the one that shines through the bliss and caused an uncomfortable sensation in Mia's chest was, "What happens now?"

And she realized she had said it out loud, when Aaron answered, "Whatever you wish, Love."


After the bath, Mia and Aaron had breakfast. Mia wasn't ready to face reality so soon. So, they spent their remaining time kissing and cuddling.

Every moment with Aaron was very special.

Until it was time for him to leave.

Goodbye was the hardest part.

It was more painful because they have only known each other in the most intimate way possible, just moments before.

Mia didn't went to airport to drop him off. She couldn't do that. She needed a moment.

"I will come back for you." Aaron kissed her goodbye.

"I will hold on to that." Mia replied.



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