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She turned in the bed, so she was facing Aaron, who was sleeping so peacefully, moonlight falling on his face. He looked so cute with unkempt hair and a little pout. He was sleeping in a sleeveless t-shirt and his tattoo was peaking from beneath it.

She remembered that how much she was awed by it and still is. But she was captured by whole of Aaron and so much more now after tonight.

They were back in the cabin after a very enthralling hot air balloon ride followed by a very romantic dinner. Seeing the cabin just brought back the sense of home and calm.

The orange lights glimmered when they entered as if welcoming them once again. Mia settled their luggage before taking a shower while Aaron worked on parking the jeep and taking out the equipments attached from it.

Mia went into the bathroom relaxing in the hot shower before emerging out in comfy pink top and pajamas.Her hair was tied in a towel forming a huge bun on top of her head. She brewed a hot tea as Aaron came in sweating, despite the cool breeze of the night time.Aaron came inside the kitchen and kissed her forehead, while she wrinkled her nose adorably.

"Ew, go shower." She commented.

"Aw, Why? I thought you find me sexy like this." Aaron laughed definitely teasing.

"Gross." Mia mumbled under her breath, secretly blushing. Aaron caught onto that.

"If that is the synonym for irresistibly hot, sure." Aaron smirked giving a small peck on Mia's lips.
He was halfway to the door, when Mia noticed that his peck has effectively stilled her. Very damn irritated by his effect on her body, she threw an apple at his back, which he caught easily turning halfway with a smug look and gave it a bite.

"Nice try, baby." He teased again before vanishing through the doorway munching on the apple. A laugh resonated afterwards in the hallway.

Damn his smugness.

Mia prepared the snacks and drinks while humming a tune. She dried her hair with towel and then left them open to dry naturally. She went in the living room and switched on the small t.v. which oddly look like straight from the 90s. They didn't have any connection here but they did have a DVD player and CD case with different varieties of movies. She flipped through the case before settling on a old romantic movie.

Mia was engrossed in the movie, hence she didn't noticed Aaron sneaking up to her. She gasped when. water droplets splattered on her face, she looked up to see Aaron shaking his head above her and little droplets falling from his freshly showered hair.

"Aaron." She shrieked and laughed at the same time.
She took a pillow from the sofa and threw at his face, which he caught easily and threw it back at her, but she ducked it swifty dodging from her place at sofa and grasping another pillow for an pillow attack.

"What are you doing?" Her words garbled as she gasped and laughed and dodged another pillow aiming at her. An rush of aderline, made her throw the pillow at Aaron and she scrambled behind the table and laughed when the pillow hit the Aaron in the face.

"So, only you are allowed to throw things at someone." Aaron chuckled before removing the pillow from his face. They gazed at each other for a brief second before Aaron threw the pillow at her and simultaneously moved towards her to catch her.

"Noo." Mia ducked and laughed running away from Aaron circling the sofa so she stood where Aaron was and Aaron stood where she was, both laughing hysterically.

They circled a sofa quite a few times, and now they both are out of breath but full of laughter. Aaron stopped to catch his breath before going for Mia again, she tried to dart towards the stairs but Aaron caught her,his arms circling around her waist and he swiftly pinned her to the nearest wall beside the stairs. Mia struggled and laughed while Aaron pressed her tightly between himself and the wall seizing her movement. He kept his one hand on her waist while other on the wall beside her head for support. He too laughed while trying to catch his breath. They were so close that they are breathing the same sir. Not a inch to separate them apart.

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