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"You don't have to say anything, I can read you. And anything for my lovely wife."

"Aren't you a sweet talker."

Aaron smiled at Mia. He was nervous about this date because he knew of her fear of flying. But he wanted to give a it a try after the events of the last few days. Mia seemed distressed by the turn of events and he thought this was because of the accident but he has a nagging feeling that this has to do with something else.

He pushed his worries in the back of his mind to just enjoy the moment. Doing this like hot-air ballon ride, sky diving, paragliding was not something new to him but it was certainly to Mia and he is determined to show her a new different world, full of risks but full of fun.

He looked down at their joined hands, a warm feeling spreading through his body. He never knew something so trivial can feel so new. Everything felt so endearing, even her avoidance of him when she felt embarrassed. Like now.

They left their meal unfinished for later.
He tucked her locks behind her ear making her turn to look at him, "Ready to go, merry-go-round."

She smiled, "As ready as I could be." Despite her fear he could sense her excitement and it was enough for him to lead their way to the hot air ballon he has booked previously. They could have did this a more secluded place but he thought maybe a tourist spot would be a nice change.

The instructor guided them inside the basket. Mia was very hesitant but he reassured her that this is fine. She climbed up inside the basket and then Aaron joined her. The floor of the basket was made up of soft foam to ensure safety of the passengers.

The instructor started the valve to heat the balloon before climbing down. Mia clutched at me tightly, a bit uncomfortable at the soft surface.

"Why is he leaving? who will get us down? What if we fell?" Mia was rambling and she shrieked her the balloon started rising in the air. Although the speed of balloon very slow, it wasn't slow enough to stop her dramatic shrieking.

Aaron rolled his eyes and circled his arms around her middle from behind stepping close. It hushed her to a certain degree. "Shh, trust me to land us safe back on the ground and just enjoy the ride." Mia blushed and tried to look down but I stopped her and gestured her to look up instead.

"You know how to fly this damn balloon." It was a statement but a very blunt one from Mia's side.

"Yes?" Aaron replied innocently for which he received the look from Mia.

"I would ask if there is any thing you can't do Mr Aaron but I know it would be waste of time because you probably know everything."

"Well, for one I don't know how to play cricket."

"Really, I thought everyone knows how to play cricket, it's national sport of India, unofficially."

"Right. I played soccer in American highschool."

"Oh." Was all Mia replied. Aaron doesn't get to make childhood friends in India because of his dad's strict rules. So most of his school friends are American. Mia was lost in her thought for a moment before she asked mischievously, "Don't tell me you were team captain or something. That will give you a really I know all, multi-talented, bad boy wibes."

Aaron smirked at her and just raised a eyebrow at her quirky phrasing. But she instantly caught my knowing expression before giving me one of her own.

"So, tell me, you were or you were not."

"I was a quarterback." Quarterback is very famous and responsible position in the game and evidently Mia knew that.

"No way!!" Aaron had to catch her from throwing back at him. He laughed suddenly at the disbelief on her face. Then sobered up at the memory of what instignated that.

"At first, I was bullied at the school, the students saw me as an outsider, the teachers would treat me differently. I didn't know how to deal with racism and separatism. I picked up fights who came at me, bunked classess, my grades were dropped. I was thirteen then." He looked at Mia who was intently watching him half turned towards him in his arms, a frown worked upon her face."My dad was so close to call me back, but my uncle refused. He knew I was reluctant to be here. When he got to know I was bullied, he taught me self defence. He taught me how to handle humiliation with grace. How to slam your enemy down not with brute force, but with intelligence, knowledge and action."

It told her, recalling how my uncle suggested to pick soccer as my game. As a former player himself, he knew that being in team bring my self confidence back. And that's exactly what happened. Mia remained silent for a moment then remarked,
"Dang. That is quite an experience."

"It was so long ago." She nodded. And turned away to look at the skyline filled with colourful balloons, and beyond that mountains with lush green colour, a blue-orange hue surrounded them as it was nearing sunset. We are several meters above the ground, nearly as high as possible, and looking at the fabric of earth and sky intermingling with each other.

The earth was beyond gorgeous from an birds eye perspective.

We can see far away cities, the origin of the river below us, the vastness of everything and anything. This experiences has always made me humble and peaceful. Looking at Mia, I could see her eyes glowing with appreciation. This time instead of her jaw dropping expression, she was rather calm, serene and peaceful. A slight smile playing at her face, her hands rested on mine which are resting on her stomach.

"I would lost count of how many times we had watched sunset like this." She spoke quietly. She was talking about our position. Her eyes roamed at the skies which was now beginning to paint itself in different shades of orange, red, yellow. The sun molded itself into a golden yellow ball and it's rays piercings at different angles everywhere. "It's glorious." She added.

Instead of replying to that, Aaron turned her face and pressed his lips against her. Her breath hitched at the suddenness and she gasped, allowing him to deepen the kiss. It was a slow gentle kiss yet full of passion. Aaron pulled away to let Mia breath. He was not as disheveled by the kiss as Mia was. It was more of her shyness than anything.

Aaron removed himself from Mia to pilot the balloon towards sun, it's hues and colours and she let him, clutching the basket tight for support but she was not afraid, not anymore.

Because she was looking up and not down.



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