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Today can be called the best day, Mia had in years.

Walking and fascinating over nature, gazing high rise buildings, relaxing on a beach, and whatnot. Mumbai has everything to offer.

It was Manvi's plan. She couldn't stand that Mia was here for almost two months and never roamed in the city. She glared at Aaron and accused him of not caring for his wife and declared that they were going to go sightseeing and shopping today.

The girl never waste a second in making a plan. And the boys agreed, of course but they couldn't accompany us because they had work. So, it's just the two of us roaming and touring different malls and destinations in Mumbai. Manvi was a good partner and there was never a dull moment with her. She was crazy and it's honestly amusing.

Currently, we are in our fifth mall of the day. Mia gathered that Manvi loves shopping, which was no surprise. But on the other hand Mia didn't know a thing about the shopping Manvi was doing. The clothes and the price tags was not making it any easier for Mia to make a choice. Everything was overwhelmingly expensive and Mia totally knew she would be bankrupt if they continue this shopping spree as Manvi wanted it.

"Look at that gown Mia, it will look fabulous on you." Manvi pointed to a golden gown, the gown was exquisite, but it was not her type. Oh god no, the cloth was translucent and embroidered by golden filigree, freckled in intricate designing, but barely covering other parts except the torso. If she would have to wear that she would feel naked.

"Manvi, it is not my type of dress." Mia told her, this was the thousandth time today. They had shopped a lot. Top, jeans, sundresses and some traditional dresses like Kurtis and Sarees but Manvi was persistent on more. Clearly, Manvi thinks that they had shopped too little. Mia deliberately tried to avoid extremely western clothing because she don't wear that much, and the prices of those dresses was not something she could fit in her budget.

Honestly, she just want to eat some panipuri and chat, which they were gonna do after they finished shopping. And Mia honestly didn't know when that will be. It's the thing when you do shopping without knowing what you want to buy. Either you buy nothing or everything and it was later for Manvi.

"Bullshit, you would look so stunning in that." She pointed towards the dress, and then looked at Mia with big doe eyes, "Try it once."

"No, no, where would I wear that. It isn't really made for any Indian ocassion?" She honestly didn't think that there would be any day in her life when she could put the dress on and walk out of the room.

"Rathore's organize too many functions, so don't bother about that." Manvi replied. When Mia didn't made any move Manvi nudged her elbow. "Come on, if you didn't like it, we won't buy it. There was no harm in trying it out."

She was so persistent that Mia had to give in and it her hundredth trial by the way. Mia knew that was that she was not going to buy the dress but she have to dry the dress so Manvi could stop nagging her.

They called one staff member to tell him that they want to try the dress.

"Mam, that dress was embroidered with gold and worth in  crores. Are you sure you want to try it?" The guy told smugly eying her simple pink and white kurti Mia choked on her spit. And his smugness increased as if he already knew that Mia  could not afford that dress and Mia didn't mind the look, because Mia really couldn't afford the dress worth crores, which she won't even wear once.
Hell, she could buy a house with that much money, she didn't gonna waste it on a piece of cloth.

She was going to thank the guy for the information but Manvi spoke before her.

"Yes, we are sure. And last time I checked you aren't the manager here. So I will suggest just you to do your work if you don't want to see yourself getting fired." Manvi's whole demeanor changed as she regarded him coldly. He scurried away mumbling yes mam.

"Manvi, I couldn't afford that dress. It would leave a permanent debt on my account. Surely, we can buy other things which we can wear. Anything but that dress." Mia would have said more if the guy hadn't returned with the dress in his hand.

"Mam here's your dress and there's the trial room." Manvi took that dress from him and waved him off.

"Your husband can afford this whole mall, so don't worry about money. Just worry about looking pretty." Manvi said easily before moving towards the trial room.

"I know he is rich, but if we continue like this, we would probably make a dent in his account too." Mia said breathlessly. Even the thought of trying that dress was giving her goosebumps.

The trial space was huge, two room side by side.  Outside of the trial space was also mirrored. A girl wearing a knee-length black dress walked out of one of the room. She was looking gorgeous. Mia could never look that good in any dress, Mia thought.

Manvi escorted her inside the room the girl had walked out of, not slowing down on her weak protest. The room was even more gorgeous. All the de walls were mirrors. And lighted with beautiful golden lighting on the ceiling.

Manvi smiled and gave me the dress. It weighed a ton on Mia's hand. But it's fabric was so soft, too soft even, she could the smoothness of the fabric on her fingertips.

"Oh, I am so excited for you to try this dress you will look gorgeous in it." She squealed and clapped her hands. Mia could feel her excitement but Mia could not bring herself to be that excited.

"Manvi, I am not going to buy this." She sighed.

"At least try. I told you we won't buy this dress if you don't like it." She smiled and encouraged me.

Oh yes, Mia need the courage to try this dress. She resigned to her fate. Let's be done with this.

Manvi's mobile flashed with notification and she peered at it and left saying that she was waiting outside.

Mia eyed the dress warily. It was a dress worthy for a model and not for her. I carefully slided the dress on her shoulders. Soft satin cloth hugged her skin. The dress felt good it gave her a airy feeling like she was floating on the sky. It firmly gripped her upper body till her waist and than travelled smoothly down to her ankles. 

When She looked in the mirror her face flushed. She dare say she felt beautiful. She felt like a fairy.
But couldn't wear this dress other than the trial room. This dress was bold and bold was not her.
The gold design shimmered in the lights and Mia smiled. The dress felt perfect. Mia clicked photos of herself because she knew that she would not find this perfect dress again.

A knock sounded and Mia halted. Oh, Mia completely forgot that Manvi was waiting outside. She unlocked the door for her.



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