37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found

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In the borough of Camden, Althea is there walking down the streets reading profiles of various citizens. There, she sees Anon who's with Erin. She sees that they're talking about something, most likely the mission Anon did where he had to walk into the Tower of London. Althea then whistles, catching their attention.

Althea: "Hey, guys!"

Anon: "Hm? Oh, Althea!"

Anon and Erin walk towards her to giver her a hug and they start hugging and stop and Althea begins to ask questions.

Althea: "What happened? You smell surprisingly nice, did you take a shower?"

Anon: "Well let's say that I was on the worst mission of my life. I had to spy on Cass who's working on this drone...I think it was called...er...project um...THEMIS. There we go, project THEMIS. Sooner or later he's gonna launch these drones into the sky where they'll be shooting any potential threat from above, criminals and maybe us even though we're not criminals."

Althea: "Shit...I've heard conspiracy theorists say some crazy shit like that...oh and there's something else I wanna talk about. It's about the Broca Tech CEO."

Anon: "You mean Skye Larsen? What about her?"

Althea: "I don't know. I've heard haunting rumours about her, saying that her latest project is going to bring humanity down...it's terrifying."

Then, a video is uploaded onto their Optiks. A glitching video which appears to be a woman whose face cannot be identified. She speaks with a Scottish accent and it sounds like she's using a voice synthesizer.

???: "London, this is 404, the first peer-to-peer hacktivist network. All are welcome. If you wanna make a difference, join us. We're taking down the elite, one contract at a time--

Then Sabine is on the line speaking with the DedSec members on their Optik, as usual.

Sabine: "Found that on the dark web. Looks like all the cool kids are forming hacker groups these days. But this 404 might actually come in handy in our fight. If "all are welcome," that means we are, too. I say we infiltrate 404. We get their connections, we get their assets."

Bagley: "If you play nice, they might even help you take out Zero-Day. For that matter, maybe they are Zero-Day. Only one way to find out."

Anon: "Hm, interesting."

Althea: "I'm not so sure about this 404 group."

Then Bagley starts talking again.

Bagley: "I've found street view images of a ctOS hub that's been covered in 404 graffiti. They're marking their territory like an over-excited chihuahua. Dropping the location of the hub on your map."

The group laughs a bit after hearing Bagley's comment 'over-excited chihuahua. It turns out the hub is just in an alleyway behind them. Anon turns around and sees the 404 graffiti.

Anon: "Huh? Oh, it's just right there."

He walks down the alleyway and he sees the hub and Anon plugs his phone into a slot and downloads a 404 contract and the others receive the contracts onto heir phone.

404: "If you are listening to this, it means you want to learn more about 404. Know what we know. Do what we do. Make your way to the Walkie-Talkie Club. It's no big secret the club is a front for Clan Kelley. But the place has other secrets, too. More will be revealed there."

Bagley: "The hub just dumped a massive load of data into your Optik. How forward."

Erin: "The Walkie-Talkie Club. Isn't that the club on that Walkie-Talkie building in the City Of London borough?"

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