21. Lost in the process

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(Back to main missions!!!)


After Axinite's and Clinohumite's successful mission, they're still in the cab driving across the road in Lambeth to get to Southwark. Then, Sabine is on the line.

Sabine: "This Albion-Clan Kelley business leaves a bad taste in my mouth... And if Kaitlin Lau's right, then this little nugget jumps to the front of the queue. We have reason to believe a former DedSec operative may still be alive, but missing inside the EPC."

Then Bagley is back on the line.

Bagley: "Angel Lopez. Not London-born, but I won't hold that against him. Unlike some others."

Sabine: "Looks like Angel got caught up in the immigration roundup, which ironically may be the only reason he escaped Zero-Day's DedSec purge."

Bagley: "Anti-immigrant sentiment has grown in London since the bombings. Albion fuels it. It allows them to send anyone they want to their brutal refugee camp."

Sabine: "We need to find Angel before they discover he's DedSec. This is kind of personal, team, but finding his trail might shed some light on the Albion-Clan Kelley connection."

Clinohumite: "Anti-immigration? Damn, that isn't good. None of the deportees are leaving the country or the United Kingdom. They probably threw Angel into the EPC and immediately forgot about him."

Bagley: "I've sent the details to your device and advised our contact at the EPC. They can get you inside."

Axinite: "Excellent, thanks, Bagley."

Bagley: "So, I've delved more into Kaitlin Lau's investigation, and an enormous number of missing person's cases centre around the EPC. The inspector was definitely onto something."

Axinite: "Right, come on Clin, let's find this man. If they manage to discover that Angel's with us before we find him, he's screwed."

They get out of their cab they were in and look at the entrance. It's heavily guarded by Albion officers and security guards. Some are even unarmed.

Clinohumite: "Alright, follow my lead."

Axinite: "No I lead this."

Clinohumite: "No it's me!"

Axinite: "Why you little-

Then an Albion officer sees them arguing and steps forward and breaks up their argument.

Albion officer: "Oi! Break it up you 2 bints! Bloody hell, women these days."

Clinohumite: "Ugh! Dick!"

She elbows him in the face, knocking him out cold, alerting the other Albion security guards. They rush towards the gems to detain them only for the 2 to grab out their electric weapons. Axinite has an electric shotgun while Clinohumite has an electric SMG. They fire onto the Albion security guards, taking them all down.

Axinite: "Shit... We should actually cooperate, that was uncalled for."

Clinohumite: "Yeah, anyway let's go find Angel."

They disable the security system at the entrance and quickly move into a damaged stadium, where one of the bombs occurred, now it's a refugee camp made by Albion. They then move inside the stadium and then they're being contacted by the hidden Albion contact named Timothy.

Lukas: "Got Bagley's summons. I've taken care of your entry. Get you in quick and quiet."

Axinite: "You're not going to put us in their system right? It's something us 2 do not want."

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