31. Re-encounters

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Meanwhile in Camden High Street, Camden...

Anon is now in Camden after hearing some rumours from people about Clan Kelley's base which is in Camden Market, now called Camden Black market. Anon puts on his knight helmet and loads his desert eagle.

Anon: "This rumour better is true and not get me into an orgy like last time with those 2 gems."

He spots the Kelley's black market which is also a hideout for them. He sees a Kelley sitting near a barrel that has fire lit in it.

Anon: "Ok, the rumour is true. Time to do my work."

(For those who forgot what Anon's mask looks like)

He walks up to the Kelley thug and he hacks into the thug's phone, distracting him so Anon can jump him

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He walks up to the Kelley thug and he hacks into the thug's phone, distracting him so Anon can jump him.

Kelley thug: "What the hell is this? Is this a meme or something? This better be a bloody joke otherwise I'll- ACK!"

Anon uses his baton and strangles the thug with it, killing him. Anon then spots a cargo drone which he can use to enter the Kelley hideout with surprise.

Anon: "There's my way in."

He hops on it and hacks into it and controls it. He gets the drone to enter the base and jumps off it and onto the roof to enter the hideout. He hops onto the ground and quietly knocks out another Kelley guard who is just smoking.

Kelley guard: "AH!"

Anon: "Lights out for you, dickhead."

He then turns around and spots a reprogrammed Kelley Riot Drone which is looking directly at Anon. It then armours itself up and loads its shotgun and tear gas dispenser.

 It then armours itself up and loads its shotgun and tear gas dispenser

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Anon: "Shitting hell..."

Kelley Riot Drone: "Engaging hostile targets!"


It misses and Anon grabs out his desert eagle and shoots the left propeller which has been armoured, destroying it.

Anon: "Week arse, armour."

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