43. Stealing Schemes

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After defeating Skye Larsen and killing her, Anon is driving to the DedSec HQ to drop off the 3 new gems. He then adjusts the mirror and looks into it at the 3 new gems.

Anon: "Hey, you 3. I hope you don't mind but, how about I give you 3 nicknames?"

Cinnabar: "Nickname? Sure thing, but why?"

Anon: "Oh, because I prefer calling you by nicknames rather than the gem name. It makes it easier for me."

Amethyst: "A nickname won't hurt. So yes."

Anon: "Amethyst, I'm going to call you Cindy, how's that?"

Cindy: "Cindy, huh? Nice name."

Anon: "Cinnabar, you'll be called Jessica, or Jessie."

Jessica: "Sweet name. I can go with it."

Anon: "And Cuprite, I'll give you Sophia."

Sophia: "Interesting name. Good."

Anon: "By the way, girls. We're almost there."

Anon then drives down straight past Piccadilly Circus and they arrive at the pub. Anon opens the doors for them and they get out.

Anon: "Alright, so just in that room in the pub, it says private. There's a lever which you pull to get in, got it?"

Cindy: "I'm sure we got it, Anon."

Anon: "Good, see you later."

He drives away in his van and the 3 gems head inside and into the room where they see the lever and Sophie pulls it and the secret DedSec door opens up.

Jessica: "Whoa, well isn't that neat?"

Sophie: "Well, let's head in."

They walk down the steps and into the basement where they greet some DedSec members there, Simon, Apatite and Serpentine.

Apatite: "Huh? More gems?"

Simon: "What the- hello. Who recruited you 3?"

Jessica: "Anon. Well, Althea did. Anon told us to come on down here since we're recruits. So this is the hideout?"

Simon: "Well, sort of. Why do you not like it or..."

Jessica: "No, no it's fine. Just not what I expected."

Then Bagley's screen rises and a briefing is about to begin.

Simon: "Mission briefing. Come on, let's see it."

Everyone sits on the couch and watches.

Bagley: "Here's what we know about Nigel Cass: he's rolling out something called project THEMIS. The lack of information on its own is worrisome, but what little we do know is Cass wishes to remove the "human element" from law enforcement."

Then, Hamish Bolaji's on the screen.

Hamish: "We also know he's partnered with TIDIS, which is never good. TIDIS does other work with Albion. NAsty shit like autonomous weapons, human targeting algorithms..."

Bagley: "So TIDIS us our best lead to fill in the blanks on the secret project. But their security is notoriously difficult to crack, so Hamish has proposed an intriguing solution..."

Then a 3d blueprint of a TIDIS microdrone appears.

Hamish: "Albion's been working on a new micro-drone. Something my contact told me about. That shit's not even in production yet. But if we get the plans, we can manufacture our own."

Simon: "Wait, wait. All this, to get by TIDIS security?"

Hamish: "Exactly! Exactly. THey're wee as f*ck. Supposed to do maintenance on Albion's other drones. But the smallness of them...means they can slip into places nothing else can."

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