23. Faqueed

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(Short chapter!)

Back to Anon in Tower Hamlets...

After buying a brand new white T-shirt, Anon is now roaming down the streets, with his new white top and his grey jacket unzipped. He profiles some people on his way to look for more potential recruits.

Anon: "Hm...nothing interesting here."

he resumes walking down the street and walks towards the Tower Bridge, where there's less people on it than before. However, before he lays a foot on it, he notices a mysterious figure standing still on the top of the bridge. He has a black rain parka on and his face is covered by a black face mask and a hood. He's looking at London's skyline.

Anon: "What the hell?"

Suddenly, an eagle screech is heard and Anon looks in the skies to see an eagle and he looks back at the figure only to see that the figure is gone.

Anon: "The hell...I should get moving."

He starts walking across the bridge and then the eagle screeches again and Anon sees the figure on the other side of the bridge, Anon brushes it off.

Anon: "Must be a hallucination. I should probably get some sleep when I get back to the hideout."

He's right next to the figure, and suddenly, the figure grabs Anon's arm and then his chest, then he covers his mouth.

???: "Sshh, sshh. You want to live, right?"

Anon: "Mmf! Mh!"

(I can't answer you!)

???: "Oh. Right, you Kelley scum."

He let's go of Anon and he grabs his P19 out and aims at the man. The man however, isn't putting his hands up.

???: "You don't scare me you know. You're just a boy."

Anon: "Yeah and you're clearly a skilled killer, yes?"

???: "Hm. But you lack something."

Anon: "What is it?"

???: "Thinking and prediction."

Suddenly, the man kicks the gun out of Anon's hand and hold's Anon by the arm and then, a blade comes out his wrist and points at his neck.

Anon: "Whoa!"

???: "You lack predicting what your enemies could do. I'm going to let you live, because I know what you're capable of and who you are, Anon."

Anon: "What the hell... how?"

The man grabs a phone from his pocket and shows Anon his own profile. Anon steps back in surprise.

Anon: "What the hell. You're a hacker too?"

Faqueed: "The name is Faqueed. I'm a member of the Assassin's Brotherhood and the vigilante of Cairo."

Anon: "Brotherhood?"

Faqueed: "I'll explain later. Forgive me for me trying to assassinate you. I mistook you for a Clan Kelley thug."

He checks on his hidden blade and he inserts it back into the socket.

Faqueed: "I'll be on my way now. I'll see you soon..."

Then, another eagle screech is heard and Anon turns to see where it was coming from, when Anon looks back, Faqueed is gone and a feather falls from the sky.

Anon: "Who is he..."

He walks away from the area and enters the Underground station to head to Westminster back to the hideout.

To be continued...

Anonymous Dark Britain (A Watch_Dogs Legion crossover)Where stories live. Discover now