69. Green

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Meanwhile, in the borough of the City Of London...

In the City Of London borough, Eddie Green is seen dressed in his casual outfit, having a sandwich he bought from a mini-mart. He then checks his phone and looks around at the pedestrians to find some potential recruits.

Eddie: "Hm...so far nothing yet. Damn."

He finishes up his sandwich and gets up and walks around the place. He uses his phone to read profiles to search for recruits and impressive skill sets and information.

Eddie: "Alright, let's have a looksie."

He finds nothing impressive so far and resumes walking down the streets of the borough. He starts to feel bored and he decides to stop by at a Starbucks to get some coffee to enlighten the mood. He gets a frappuccino and he walks back out profiling people while drinking.

Eddie: "Hm...nothing."

He then finishes up his coffee and puts the empty cup in the bin and he continues profiling people. As he walks around the corner, something catches his eye, a woman, with a revealing green outfit, green gloves and boots, blue skin and green eyes and a gemstone on her upper back.

Eddie: "Well, well, what do we have here?"

He reads her profile and it shows that she's a skilled fighter and she's been responsible for taking down some Kelley thugs throughout London and that her name's Labradorite and Eddie could easily tell that she's a gem after being taught about gems back in the DedSec hideout.

He reads her profile and it shows that she's a skilled fighter and she's been responsible for taking down some Kelley thugs throughout London and that her name's Labradorite and Eddie could easily tell that she's a gem after being taught about gem...

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Eddie: "Hm...she looks like fun. I'm excited to see what she's capable of, very excited."

He walks towards her and she looks at Eddie and tilts her head. She then stops leaning against the wall. Eddie then clears his throat and speaks to her.

Eddie: "You seem like you're ready to fight the powers that be."

Labradorite: "Hm, hold on, are you with DedSec? If so, I could really use your help, sweetie."

Eddie: "Oh, well I'm flattered. But please, go on."

Labradorite: "Lovely, a good friend of mine's been captured. Clan Kelley wants to know what she is and are willing to sell her to some imbeciles at Covenant Garden. Anyway, rescue my friend, and perhaps, I will reward you with something you'll definitely enjoy~"

Eddie: "I see. After all, I was once an Albion scumbag, but I've redeemed myself. I'll be sure to help your friend out."

Labradorite: "Thanks, sweetie."

Eddie heads on over to a car and gets in. Then, Bagley speaks with Eddie as he drives his car down the road to the Clan Kelley hideout located at Covenant Garden.

Bagley: "It looks like our prospect's friend's at the Clan Kelley hideout located in Covenant Garden. Might as well head on over quickly before our potential recruit's friend becomes a slave of never-ending sexual pleasure."

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