100. Another Task for Declan

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Meanwhile, in the borough of Westminster...

In Lambeth, the 2 escaped subjects, Mina Sidhu and Red Tourmaline are now on the streets dressed casually and are remaining vigilant, dressed in some casual clothes, hiding among pedestrians. They are now in Piccadilly Circus together sitting near the statue and they're looking up at the large screen.

Mina: "It's tragic to see what London's become after the bombings. The city's now a dark world where Albion can do whatever they want."

Red Tourmaline: "Hai. We need to at least help the Londoners. We can't just sit around and watch them lose what they have, Mina, come on!"

Mina nods and she notices something on the ground. A newspaper article. She picks it up and it reads the following:


Mina: "Hm...DedSec."

Red Tourmaline: "DedSec? Who or what is DedSec?"

Mina: "Some hacktivist group. From what I've heard recently, they've been fighting Albion in boroughs across London. We should try to look for maybe a member of their's, maybe we can convince them to have us join them."

Red Tourmaline: "Mina, are you sure those people can be trusted?"

Mina looks at Red Tourmaline and she takes a deep breath before talking back to Red Tourmaline.

Mina: "Look. It's either them, or we'll be going back in a test tube. Come on, let's go."

Red Tourmaline sighs and she nods. The 2 of them sit back down in Piccadilly and they keep their eyes peeled for anyone who may be after them.

Not far from them...

After sleeping with Chocolate Diamond, Declan is now on the streets again this time with Chocolate Diamond and her Pearl and the 2 of them are both dressed casually now wearing blue jeans, a red top and a white hoodie with short sleeves. They're now walking down the road toward Piccadilly Circus.

Chocolate Diamond: "So, what is it you're looking for now, Declan?"

Declan: "Some people who are ready for a fight. People sick of all this."

Chocolate Diamond: "Hm, well I'm happy to assist."

The 3 of them resume looking around, remaining cautious as Albion drones fly over them. They make it to Piccadilly Circus and there, something catches Declan's eyes. 2 women, well, one of them happens to be a red gem, which is bizarre.

Declan: "A gem?"

Chocolate Diamond: "Hm...interesting. She's with that woman. Looks like we've got something."

Declan: "Indeed. Let's do this then, let's ask her if she wants to join or not."

The 3 of them move up and they head over to the 2 of them near the statue and the 2 women see Declan and the gems. Then, Declan speaks up.

Declan: "No, no, no, don't worry. How would you like to fight the good fight? Let's just say that we're...freedom fighters."

???: "Wait a minute...you DedSec?"

Declan: "Well you guessed correctly. If you want to help, just go ahead and take the red pill, you're free to join us. We can fight Albion, together."

??? 2: "Hm. I guess DedSec won't sound too bad. Consider us in."

Before Declan can shake her hand, the woman stops the 2 from doing it.

???: "Wait...how can we know this ain't a trick?"

Declan: "Look, if this was a trick, you'd already be dead. Let's get you to the hideout, come on."

The 2 women nod and they both get up and follow Declan who hacks a cab to get it to stop so everyone can get inside as Declan drives it. He steps on the pedal and drives out of Piccadilly Circus and towards Trafalgar Square so he can cross the square to get to Westminster Square. He drives up the road and toward the pub which connects to the DedSec hideout. They all head inside and there, the 2 women look around the hideout in awe. In the hideout, a few DedSec members, such as the Riverman Twins and David & Pearl are in there.

David: "Whoa, who are these 2?"

Harry: "Watcha got there?"

Declan: "Just 2 new recruits. I'm just introducing them to the hideout, lads, don't worry. So, how is it?"

Mina: "Hm...not too bad. Oh, by the way my name's Mina. Mina Sidhu. And this here's Red Tourmaline. So, what exactly are your weapons?"

Declan: "Hm, well it's just simple hacking. We're hackers. I mean we're rebels with hacking skills. I mean we do use guns as well, live ammo or electric rounds. Here, take these, you 2."

He grabs 2 electric pistols from the side and gives them over to Mina and Red Tourmaline the 2 of them take it.

Declan: "You got optiks & phones? I-I mean you do, clearly since it's the law but um...hand over your phones please."

Mina: "We took these once we escaped from wherever Albion kept us...what do you need our phones for? Modifications?"

Declan: "Mhm, just a few. I learned these way before I joined DedSec lik um...I think it was a year ago. Ah well, who cares."

He begins to hack into both phones and installs a modification into them so it can help allow them to hack. it even scrambles their signals to Albion networks.

Declan: "There, we can talk in private during phonecalls. I even added a modifications to help you hack into the infrastructure and drones."

Mina: "Hm, seems great. Wonderful. So, what's our first task, then?"

Declan: "For now, I guess there isn't much to do so I suppose...relax? I mean most of our operatives are busy doing the tasks for us."

Red Tourmaline: "I see, so I guess we can just sit down and talk about wherever we're from."

Declan: "I was going to ask that. Your outfits look like something I'd see in an Alien film."

To be continued...

(Originally, there was going to be a lemon, but I decided to have the lemon in a future chapter in this book as I want to at least try and take a more serious route)

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