74. Fall On My Enemies

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Meanwhile, in the borough of Westminster...

On the streets of Westminster, Anon is holding hands with Erin who's holding some bags of Shopping and Anon has 2 bags with him.

Erin: "So, what now, babe?"

Anon: "Not sure, I guess we walk back to the hotel?"

Erin: "Sure thing let's-

Then, Anon is being called by his cousin, Noah.

Bagley: "Noah is calling, should I-

Anon: "Put him on Bags, let me hear him."

Noah: "Edwin, mate. Y-you're not gonna believe this. Nowt needs you ASAP."

Anon: "Why hide the details? Tell me now please."

Noah: "I don't want you freaking out in public. Get over here now, mate! Come on!"

Anon: "Alright, alright. I'll head there."

The call ends and Erin and Anon head to the London Underground. They get in and it takes them to Westminster Square. They arrive and they head to the pub and enter the hideout where Erin and Anon place their shopping bags on the couch and head to Nowt who's got quite the smile on her face.

Anon: "Hey Nowt, what's up?"

Nowt: "Oh, mate, this is massive. I never thought we'd get this kind of reach!"

Anon: "Hm? Tell me."

Nowt: "It's f*cking Stormzy! You know, 'Vossi Bop', 'Shut Up', bloody Glastonbury? The man sent us a message, and he's asking for DedSec, by name!"

Anon: "Holy shit! No way!"

(Anon is the biggest Stormzy fan in DedSec)

Anon's eyes widen and he's got the largest smile on his face.

Nowt: "We're in the big times mate. We got us a f*cking high-profile contract right here."

Anon: "This is incredible! Helping Stormzy, yes! YES! YEAH!"

Erin smiles and giggles as Anon is now having an adrenaline rush of pure excitement and joy.

Nowt: "I'll send you the message. And for the love of f*cking g*d, do not cock this up."

Anon: "Never. Alright! Let's do this!"

Anon rushes up the stairs to the exit followed by Erin who quickly follows him and he then stops as he hears the message Nowt sends him.

Stormzy: "What's good, DedSec? Here's the word, yeah? SIRS been after me for ages. Blocking my channels, shutting down every stream I open, and closing my f*ckin' bank accounts. I made my career calling out those in power, and now they want to stop me. I got this new track. It's crazy. And I'm gonna lay it down right here, then we're sending it worldwide, bigger than anything you've ever seen. But I need your help. SIRS know we're here. They killed our connection to the servers outside, and no servers means no show, and everyone needs to see what they're doing to us in London. Treating us like savages, like cannon fodder. F*ck that. Let's do this together."

Then a crew member of Stormzy's is heard.

Stormzy Crew Member: "F*ck! We've got movement back here."

Stormzy: "Sh*t. A'ight, let's roll!"

Bagley: "You heard Mr Ormzy. DedSec has a role to play in this. Now backdoor Albion's servers and let's get this illegal show on the road."

Erin moves up and stands near Anon to hear him gasping and he screams and shakes Erin like a crazy fan that's freaking out.

Anon: "We're helping him! We're helping him! We're helping him! LET'S GOOO!!!"

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