15. Reporting For Duty

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(Mission chapter!)

Anon is busy in the hideout typing on a computer hacking into some screens in London, uploading DedSec posters saying to defy Albion. Then he hears the door open and he calls out Erin's name.

Anon: "Erin? Erin is that you there?"

He then hears a lot of chattering. He gets up and walks to the doorway to see the DedSec members from America. Pretty much, everyone. Victor, Simon pretty much everyone else.

(The ones from Anonymous Ashfall before I unpublished the book to fix errors)

Harry: "No way! It's Anon!"


Larry: "ALRIGHT!"

Simon: "Anon it's been time!"

Anon: "Come here, you guys!"

The members pull Anon into a group hug and they laugh, cheer and have some fun reuniting. The gems walk in and Venus and the others enter the room from the training room in the hideout and greet the other gems that were with the other hackers.


Apatite: "Venus! Hey, it's been a while!"

They hug each other and share greetings. Meanwhile, Erin and the heroes walk in just in time to greet the other hackers and gems. The Crystal Gems also arrive in time and quickly greet their old-time friends.

Garnet: "Apatite, it's nice to see you again."

Apatite: "Well it's ICE to see you Crystal Gems again.

Garnet: "Oh you and your puns!"

Apatite: "Haha!"

Harry: "Hey, aren't those the heroes from Japan?"

Jimmy: "Yeah. Let's see them!"

Some of the hackers walk over to the heroes to ask them questions about their quirks. As all this was happening, Bagley starts activating his terminal and a screen pops up, gaining everyone's attention.

Anon: "Guys, let's go. Get over there!"

Bagley then activates and it surprises the other members of DedSec, the ones from America.

Harry: "What is that?"

Simon: "You're asking me?"

Bagley: "Hello you all, I'm Bagley, DedSec's reprogrammed AI assistant, and I'm here to brief you first. After the Camden uprising, Anon and Derek's actions have opened up a whole new source of information. So now I spy with my hypothetical eye - something interesting at the Ministry of Civic Management."

Simon: "Who's Derek?"

Derek: "I'm Derek."

Simon looks behind him to see Derek waving his hand.

Simon: "Oh. Ok."

Apatite: "Anyway, what's the info you were talking about Bagley?"

Bagley: "The Signals Intelligence Response Service, or SIRS, or 'the Earl Grey Gestapo' have developed a surveillance technology called "AR Reconstruction." It's the bleeding edge of privacy rights violation, and thus it could be very useful in our attempts to find Zero-Day."

Everyone in the hideout talks about it and Anon steps forward. Then everyone in the room silences themselves.

Anon: "This is a mission. SIRS has developed this and we are going to take it. Pretty much, this is a heist. So, I want Simon and Apatite out there and I will be heading to the Ministry of Civic Management. Simon, Apatite, stand by ok? Erin, stay behind with the others to give them instructions and information. And also please give me some tips along with Bagley."

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