64. ???

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Anon wakes up in the streets of London seen wearing a tattered white jacket, red and black top, black pants and boots, and he looks around to see that he's at the Tower of London. There, he sees everyone he knows dead on the ground. He sees shards of Althea and Anon gasps in shock and some tears start forming in his eyes.

Anon: "Ah! AAAHHH!!!"

Anon then covers his mouth and he sees his grandparents also dead and he sees the corpses of American DedSec and even Adora and the princesses along with the heroes. He turns to his left to see blood coming from what appears to be Jeremiah's corpse. His jaw is seen to have a rip in it. He then hears groaning and sees Simon crawling across the bodies covered in blood, he then looks at Anon and reaches for him. Anon then runs towards Simon who's seen missing 2 legs.

Simon: "Anon...you...you have to go!"

Anon: "Simon, wh-wh-what the hell happened?! What's going on?!"

Simon: "You...need to run! Nigel...Cass...killed us all...go...WAKE UP!"

Anon gasps and he feels a hand grabbing his leg, he looks down to see a bleeding Albion officer clinging onto his leg.


Then he trips and he falls onto the ground where he sees green shards belonging to Erin and the other gems. He then starts crying and screaming.


Then, more corpses of Albion start moving and crawling onto him. Then he sees a gigantic drone and he hears Nigel Cass' voice.

 Then he sees a gigantic drone and he hears Nigel Cass' voice

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Nigel: "It's over DedSec! You should've saved your friends."

He then sees 2 CT drones fly in the air and pointing laser sights at him as some Albion officers crawl onto him and remove the corpses which have stopped moving on their own. The officers then aim and then, Anon hears Zero-Day's voice.

Zero-Day: "It's time for a hard reset."

Then the 2 drones in the air start loading their machine guns and the Albion officers aim at Anon as he's unable to move not the ground due to being paralyzed with fear and shock.

Anon: "Oh...oh shit! AAAHHH!!!"






Then, Anon's vision instantly turns black. Then...


Erin: "Ed, Edwin! Wake up!"

Anon: "AAAHH!!!"

Anon jolts awake from his bed, panting and sweating, still naked with Erin looking concerned after he yelled out her name. Anon wipes some sweat off and he wipes off what appears to be a tear from his cheek. He then gulps and he feels Erin resting her palms on the back of his shoulders.

Erin: "Edwin, is everything ok? What's wrong? Babe wh-what happened?"

Anon looks at Erin to see another tear leaking out his other eye. He then cries and lays back on his pillow, burying his face and Erin quickly hushes him to make sure that everything will be fine.

Erin: "Baby, babe, babe, Edwin it's ok! I'm here. Hey, hey, tell me. What happened?"

Anon: "I...I-I saw...Albion. I saw all of us...dead...shattered, gone. I saw Nigel Cass in this...big bloody spider drone thing...he said...something like...it's over...I saw a lot of death. I saw your shards...I saw Althea's...I saw Simon...I-I-I just...I felt-felt like...I FELT LIKE I FAILED TO SAVE THE ONES I LOVE!"

Erin gasps and she puts her hand to her mouth in shock as Anon sobs softly on his pillow and sniffles. Erin then puts her right hand on Anon's left arm and hushes him and even pulls him closer to her chest and head.

Erin: "Hey, hey...don't worry, I'm here for you babe. I will never leave your side...listen, I'm here. Shh, shh. Just listen to my voice, I'm here. I will be with you forever, I'll never ever leave you. You are a hero. You're a saviour. It was all a bad dream...you've saved lots of people in London, haven't you?"

Anon hugs her back and she kisses his forehead as Anon lays his head on her breasts and he stops sobbing and Erin wipes a tear away from his cheek. His breath lowers and he stops panting as he slowly falls back asleep. Erin smiles and she kisses Anon's forehead again and she pulls the blanket over Anon and herself again as the 2 falls into a cosy slumber.

To be continued...

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