112. Face Of The Enemy

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With Cass, Mary Kelley and Victor Malek taken care of, everyone is now back in the hideout, celebrating their victory with Anon doing much better but he still has the bandage on and he's now wearing a grey top without a hoodie as his recent camo hoodie is being washed and the laundry after it got covered in some of Anon's blood. Anon's also not coughing up blood anymore, which is a good sign.. Erin is on the couch with Anon, comforting him while everyone else is celebrating in the hideout and 2 guests, Nowt and Hamish in the flesh are here. As everyone has fun, Anon and Erin just chat together.

Erin: "I'm surprised that you survived that. I seriously got scared, you know?"

Anon: "Yeah. Ow...it just stings a bit now. Bloody hell."

Erin: "Don't worry, tomorrow morning we'll get painkillers for you, Edwin. I'll be sure to remember."

Then, David Kaidanovsky is there and he sits next to Anon as Pearl is talking with someone else.

David: "Edwin. You're tough as nails. I like that, you know. Reminds me of my time when I was with the Spetsnaz. A friend of mine took a shot just below his stomach and he miraculously survived. I should probably tell him that he's not the only guy who survived a shot to the stomach."

Anon: "Hm, maybe you should, Mr Kaidanovsky."

David smiles and he gets up and goes to get a glass of water. Then, Bagley speaks to Anon.

Bagley: "We have a problem, come talk to me."

Anon: "I'm on the couch in front of you, Bagley, what's wrong."

Bagley: "Sorry to spoil the party but we have an uninvited guest in the DedSec network. They're downloading all the tech we've acquired to a remote device labelled "Drool_Britannia"."

Suddenly the power in the bunker shuts off except for Bagley's. Every operative and ally in the basement looks around in shock and Anon gets up from the couch and holds onto the side of his stomach, which is where the wound is.

Anon: "What the f*ck?!"

Then, the computer screens in the hideout turn on and there, is Zero-Day themself in the flesh and it catches everyone's attention.

Zero-Day: "DedSec. The name is Zero-Day. We've met before, in a past life. This city needed a villain and you were just perfect for the part. Now I have you playing a different role; while you've been running around trying to save this city, you've actually been arming us for a war. But then, it isn't always for us to know the role we play. And sometimes, once we've played it, our role is to die."

Then, Anon slams the side in anger.

Erin: "Whoa! Edwin!"

Anon: "That son of a bitch... They stole all our data, everything! Damn it!"

Bagley: "Here's where I would remind you that I've been trying to warn you about the Zero-Day threat if I was an unfeeling machine."

Anon: "We'll sort that argument out later, Bagley. Are you able to trace their signal?"

Bagley: "I can't pinpoint the origin of the commands, but the admin accessed the drive through an IP range dedicated to autonomous vehicles. I have a general geolocation for it and I suggest you make a visit now."

Then, Erin steps in, saying that she'll check it out as she worries for Anon's sake.

Erin: "I'll go, Anon you stay here and rest."

Anon: "Erin, no. I'll be fine. I'll get out there and find that hacker."

Erin: "But you're wounded, Edwin!"

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