42. Into The Void

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After ending Sinead Larsen's suffering, the group is now driving towards the location of Skye Larsen. The group is now in a van driving fast. Then Nowt and Bagley are on the line.

Bagley: "Well, the mission we retroactively named "Operation Let's All Traumatize Ourselves In Skye Larsen's Fun Dungeon" was a complete success. And I've just decoded her secret hiding place."

Nowt: "Let's get to it then!"

Bagley: "And right on cue, we just got a video message. From Skye Larsen."

Anon: "Right, let's see it, Bagley."

He grabs out his phone and places it next to him on a phone holder in the van and they watch the video which is Skye Larsen addressing the group.

Skye: "I don't know who the hell you think you are, or what you think you saw in my home, but I am warning you: stay away. I've given my life to Daybreak, and I'm not going to let some nobody take it away from me. I will track you down, and I will make your life very, very difficult. 'Cause I can afford it. Can you?"

Erin: "How the hell did she find us?"

Bagley: "Skye Larsen built an iceberg smart mansion run by her digitally lobotomized mother but thus us the part you can't believe?"

Then Sabine joins in.

Sabine: "Maybe her mother deserved it? I know mine does."

Nowt: "She's scared. There's no other reason for her to threaten us."

Mia: "Hey, I'd be frightened too. Can you send us the coordinates please?"

The group checks their phone and it is indeed at the Blume Corporation HQ. Anon looks out the car window and looks at the Blume tower and so does Erin, indicating that they're getting close.

 Anon looks out the car window and looks at the Blume tower and so does Erin, indicating that they're getting close

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Anon: "That was BT Tower, looks like Blume's taken it over."

(In real life, Blume Tower is BT Tower, a communications tower located in London)

Anon turns to the other street and they arrive at the Blume HQ. Then, everyone gets out with their masks on. The 3 new gems, Amethyst, Cuprite and Cinnabar are wearing masks given to them by Althea. Amethyst is wearing a Black gas mask, Cuprite is wearing a red and black full-face respirator, and Cinnabar is wearing a red inkblot mask.

Bagley: "You have arrived at your destination. Blume Complex."

Nowt: "All this time, she's been holed up in Blume?"

Bagley: "Ever since Larsen sold -- well, me -- to Blume, she's maintained close ties with the company."

Sabine: "This just gets better and better."

Then, One of the American DedSec members is on the line, Victor.

Victor: "That's certainly interesting, Bagley. But how do we track Skye down in this...maze. Could we pull data from the servers in the complex?"

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