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"I'm just me, full of flaws, scars and insecurities. The one who truly loves me will see beyond them, embrace me in spite of them and love me through them."


Will you love me one day?
Look past all my flaws
I have so many,
You love me, right?

I was so delusional,
Loving and caring too easily
This world is a sad one.

Love is just a quote,
Lying is the new truth,
What's the real meaning of life?

If love hurts so much,
Why do we continue to do it when we know how it'll end?
I guess we're just blind to love.
We want to be loved so bad,
We'll do anything to feel it.

What's the sense of it all
If love leads to hurt?

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant