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"It's sad when you spend more time trying to stay alive than living" 

-J. B. Smoove

It's hard you know,

Staying by yourself,

Seeing everyone around you happy,

You wondering why you aren't too,

Thinking there's something wrong with you,

Even though every time you did nothing but love everyone,

So it makes me question if being around people is the right thing to do,

When have they ever put you first,

When last have they checked on you?

They haven't have they,

But that's ok,

Because you're stronger than that,

They only use you?

Well me too,

Next time we will know better,

They don't know how lucky they are to have us,

Yet still they treat us like nothing,

You don't need anyone but yourself,

I once thought I needed people,

But they've shown me I needed myself,

Because you're always going to be always there,

You depend on people?

That's another reason to get hurt,

It's better if I just leave,

Maybe then they'll realize my worth,

Maybe then I'll have their attention,

But its a little too late I guess

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن