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"I still love you but you don't care"


I'm guessing I wasn't what you needed,

I'm sorry I wasn't the person you wanted,

Someone who was worth your time love and attention,

I was just an escape right?

Someone you knew you could manipulate easily because,

I was weak,

Maybe I should've been stronger,

But maybe I could've tried to make things work between us,

I'm pathetic I know,

For wanting someone who've never wanted me,

I still crave you,

Your kiss, your touch,

How my skin feel ignited and sparks all over,

But all these sparks should have left when you broke me,

You left me like I was never wanted,

You made me like this,

This monster that's hard to love,

I push everyone away because I'm scared they'll  hurt and leave me too,

I guess I should blame it all on you,

But I cant,

But it was all me,

I knew what I was doing,

Every time you'd tell me you love me and I'd say I love you too,

But deep down I knew you didn't,

I just needed to feel loved whole again,

And I did,

But you shattered me into a million shards,

Maybe I'm just stupid for still caring and loving you.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now