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"My parents taught me that love isn't forever."


I'm sorry, that I was such a disappointment.
The child that you didn't get the prefect grades or attitude from.
The child who wasn't good at anything.
I guess I'm just something you had because you had no other choice.

But the thing is you did have a choice,
So why didn't you take it?
Why didn't you abort me when you had the chance?
Why did you have to make me live this life?

You brought me into this world right?
You're providing for me so I should shut up and do as I'm told right?
But what you don't understand is
I didn't have a choice,
And if I did I would never be here.

I realize how you look at me sometimes,
And I'm sorry I anger you.
I'm sorry I'm just being myself.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now