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"I'm the simplest person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile."

What gave society this mentality?
That men shouldn't feel,
They shouldn't have  emotions,
Aren't they just as human as we are?
This life is messed up.

We live in a world where it is believed
That men should work and a woman should stay at home and cook,clean and take care of the children.
That a man should not express how they're  really feeling inside.

So this makes me sit and wonder,
Why should they suppress their feelings, when they're dying on the inside?
Why cant they be sad for a change?
Why do they have to be hiding behind a strong demeanor?

Why should they have to pretend its all good and okay when their world is slowly falling apart?
Why cant they tell their girlfriends they love them without being called whipped or a simp?
What have we gone to?

What happened to the days when men could sing and dance for their women?
Have one girlfriend or a spouse
Without being called names and made to feel inferior?

Why cant they just live how they want to
They are just  human afterall.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now