37. Taking Care Of You (Todoroki Shoto)

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requested by @Zhang-Lu
hope you liked it

3rd person's POV

"I don't feel so well," y/n said at her phone.

"Have you eaten yet?" y/n heard Shoto's voice on the other side of the phone.

She shook her head vigorously as if he can see her do that, "I don't have an appetite to eat."

He sighed, "You should eat. I'll be there with food and medicine. Wait for me."

He said and hung up, not giving y/n any chance to refuse.

They should be going out for a date today. But y/n suddenly got sick and her body is aching so bad.

Todoroki called her to confirm about their date but she answered with a rough voice, and it got him worried.

y/n waited for less than fifteen minutes for him to arrive.

When he entered the room, y/n called his name, asking for cuddle.

But Shoto refused and told her to eat first.

"Please," she gave her best to make a cute face but failed.

He helped her sat down on her bed and feed her.

"Is it good?" he asked.

y/n shook her head, "it doesn't taste anything."

He hummed and told her to keep eating for the medicine.

After the meal, y/n wanted to lay down but she just ate so she leaned on the wall.

Todoroki sat beside her and made her lean to him instead.

"Shoto, I'm cold," she said, hugging the sheets tightly, trying to warm herself.

It's not really that cold. Maybe it's from her fever. He thought.

Shoto got this idea to use his fire quirk to give y/n some warmth as he wrap his arms around her. He's using it with control, trying not to burn her.

"Feel better?" y/n nodded and thanked him.

Tingling sensation spread all over his body when y/n hugged his torso. He liked the feeling of it.

"I'm sorry. Because of me, our date is cancelled," she muttered with sadness.

If she didn't catch a fever, they might be playing somewhere and Todoroki would be having fun.

Her boyfriend sighed, "I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you."

He doesn't know how to comfort her so he just said what he felt.

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