33. Gangster

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trigger warning(?): blood

requested by @fanfic123ann
thank you for the requests, i hope you liked it

all of my knowledge about gangs are from jojos bizarre adventure part 5. . .

2nd person's POV

The door burst open, revealing your bloodied boyfriend. He held an annoyed face as he looks for you.

What a sight. You thought.

On the other hand, you just stared at him, searching for any scratches or wound on his body but there was none. You assumed that it was the blood of the person who he tortured.

Once he found you, his face visibly relaxed. He took big steps towards you.

He craved ang longed for your touch and love after a long fight with the other gang.

He wrapped his arms around you and burried his head to the crook of your neck. He took a deep breathe, inhaling your scent that comforted him.

"Another fight?" You asked as you massage his scalp.

You can feel liquids dripping to your skin. It's a mixture of the blood and his sweat.

"Yeah," he grunted.

You let him cuddle you while massaging his muscles at his upper body. His arms and back must be sore from punching his opponent on the ground.

He groaned and cussed when your fingers pressed on his triceps.

"I think you over did it," you told him and he hummed. He slightly pulled away and kissed your cheek.

"Yeah, whatever," He mumbled, hugged you tightly again. "Clean me up please," He said through your shirt.

Both of you stood up and went to the bathroom and started cleaning him.

Some of the blood were already dried up so it's a little hard to remove them from his skin.

"Don't rub too much," He simply said.

You apologized and gave him a cheeky smile.

There was blood all over his body but not a small amount is from him.

The bathroom floor looks like someone was murdered.

"You don't have any bruises?" You asked once he's all cleared.

He nodded proudly.

"You're all clean," you took a step back, checking it there's any remaining blood on his body. "You should also take a rest."

He got dressed and went to the bed. You, on the other hand, went to the couch and cleaned all the blood on the floor.

"Can I have a drink?"

You heard your boyfriend asked behind you.

"No. No alcohol for you," you said without stopping on wiping the floor.

"Then-" He was cut off with a knock on the door. "I'll go check."

You watch him peek on the peephole. He visibly stiffened and slowy turned to you.

He mouthed "police" and you immediately stood up, running to get the prepared bags incase of any scenarios like this.

Then you ran to the window. Your boyfriend was already there, setting up everything.

"How are the police here?" You glared at him as you went through the window.

"I don't know," he said, also looked surprised.

You lived on the 2nd floor of this building so it would be easy for you to runaway from the window. There are also cables that can be held for balance.

Once you successfully landed on the ground, you ran as fast as you could.

You heard the police shouting at each other so you turned your head to see them point at your direction before started running.

You then looked at your boyfriend's direction to see him laughing.

You laughed with him.


i would love to have a run with my boyfriend while being chased by the police


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