8. Your Boyfriend Is A Mafia

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I don't know how mafia works. . .

(y/n)=your name
(bf/n)=boyfriend's name

3rd person's POV

(y/n) was walking alone on the streets with busy people.

It was midnight but people in the area are still active.

She went out to buy medicine for her father.

As she was walking, she felt a weird presence around her and she won't understand why so she shrugged it off and continued walking.

She went by a small, dark alleyway and someone grabbed her by the waist and the other hand covering her mouth, pulling her in the dark.

"Scream and I'll kill you," the guy with a rough voice threatened.

She panicked and wanted to scream but she obliged.

"Hmm," he hummed. "Beautiful."

He runs his nose on the back of her neck and kissed her hair.

"(bf/n) was too perfect. Too perfect that he can get everything he wants. Even you. I'm so jealous of him but not anymore." He presses his hand on her mouth as the freehand went under her shirt. "He can pay me money but that wouldn't be enough because I want you. Money can't buy a woman like you."

Tears started to fall from (y/n)'s eyes.

"Don't cry, baby," he kissed her cheek and she was disgusted, "we'll have fun tonight. You're all mine."

He let go of her mouth to cup her breasts with both hands. His mouth started kissing her neck as she struggled to move away from his strong grip.

"No," she whimpered. "Please no."

"Shhh, baby, you'll enj-"

A loud bang was heard, causing (y/n) to panic.

The grip from the guy loosen, slowly sliding to the floor and when she looked at the guy, there was blood oozing out of his forehead.

Her body started shaking until someone put a hand on her shoulder.

"AHH!" She jumped and punched that someone.

"Too weak," he murmured, (bf/n) murmured, grabbing her wrist on his chest. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

He pulled her wrist and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his torso, welcoming his strong scent. She sobbed, crying on his chest.

"Answer the question, (y/n)," he said coldly.

"I went-went out to buy father med-medicine," she said between her sobs.

He hummed, tightening his arms around her. "I'll bring you home, you're safe now."

Shaking her head, she said, "but he's dead, his body..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll have my men to clean that. Right now, you need to go home and rest."

They walked to his car while (bf/n) called someone to clean the dead body on the small alleyway.

As (bf/n) seats on the passenger seat, he noticed that his girlfriend was shaking uncontrollably. He reached for her hand and she flinched away but recovered.

"Shhh, everything's alright, come here," he said, opening his arms, asking for a hug.

(y/n) climbed to him and sat on his lap, she leaned her head on his chest. "Breathe, baby."

(* ̄︶ ̄*)(* ̄︶ ̄*)

When they've reached her home, they went inside.

(y/n) placed a medicine and water on the nightstand beside her father's bed, gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before going to her room. There, she saw her boyfriend, half-naked, laying on her bed arms under his head, staring at the ceiling.

She went into the bathroom and take a bath, removing the sensation of the man's grip from her hours ago.

She finished and her boyfriend was still on the same spot.

"I'll install cameras and hire bodyguards to watch over you and your family," he said, still looking at the ceiling.

"No, you can't do t-"

"I can," he cut her off, "I want to make sure you're safe mostly when I'm not around," he's now looking at her with a hard face.

"I can protect myself," she crossed her hands on her chest, tilting her head to him.

"Sure," he smirked, "your punch felt like a paper."

"It's because your strong," she argued and he shook his head.

"Come here," he patted the space on the bed beside him and (y/n) obliged. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

"Whether you like it or not I'll do what I want," his voice was low. She nodded as she knew she would never win an argument like this with her boyfriend.

(y/n) leaned to him as she felt sleepy.

"Would you kill me too?" She randomly asked, heart, beating so fast. It's been in her head since they're dating.

"Maybe," he simply answered. "Sleep, it's 3 in the morning already."

She nodded and closed her eyes. She felt him moved closer.

Just as she drifted to dreamland, he spoke, "I can kill you but I won't do it," he kissed her forehead, "because I love you more than anything."

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