18. Stupid Gummy Bears

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1st person's POV

"THEN WHY DID YOU ATE IT?!" I'm got so angry it got to the point where I'm already pulling my hair too hard.

"I don't kno-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW?! DIDN'T YOU SEE HOW MUCH I EAT SMALL PORTION A DAY?! GOD!" I slapped the kitchen counter, breathed heavily.

I can feel my whole body heating up like I'm on fire. My head and heart are pounding, it's like someone banging it to the wall.

How dare he eat the last three pieces of my gummy bear?

I've been saving it for almost 2 months and now he's the one who finished it.

My fist was clench too hard, I can feel my nails digging in the flesh.

I glared at him, my boyfriend, who was looking at me with sorry eyes.

"I'm sor-"

"NO!" I cut him off again, "DON'T EVEN DARE TALK TO ME!!" With that, I walked out and went to our room, locking it.

I jumped to my bed and hugged my pillow. I let darkness engulf my mind, not wanting to think of anything. I'm too angry and frustrated.

Then there was a knock, interrupting my sleep.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eat your gummy bears. . . .just please let me in, I want to hug you. I'm so sorry."

I covered my ears, closing my eyes tightly, "NO! Go away!"

After that, I didn't hear anything.

Now my sleepiness went away.

Minutes passed, my mind drifted off to my outburst at him in the kitchen.

What the reason for my anger again?


Gummy bears.

That last three pieces of gummy bears.

Why am I so angry at that time?

I recalled, it was around 9 pm I went down to drink water then I spotted my boyfriend eating the last three pieces of my gummy bear in the container. He looked at me and smiled innocently and that's the time something ticked in me.

How dare he smile while eating my gummies? I said in my brain. Then I started shouting at him.

That outburst was so immature. I'm not a kid to throw tantrum like that anymore.

Slowly, I feel regret and embarrassment. I should just talk to him like a normal person.

I remember his eyes, full of worries, and telling me he's so sorry.


I feel bad for my boyfriend. He deserves better than that. I'm so glad my boyfriend has a lot of patience and tries to understand people even if it's so hard to understand them.

I don't deserve him. I never will.

Now I feel like crying.

I sat up, debating whether to talk to him now or tomorrow.

I decided to do it now. He might be sleeping on the couch with no pillow or something to keep him warm.

My heart clenched as I imagine him hugging his knees, trying to warm himself up.

I started crying.

I walked toward the door and opened it. I saw my boyfriend sleeping, facing the front of the door on a fetus position with both hands tucked under his head.

Oh my gosh.

Quickly, I kneeled in front of him and tapped his cheek.

"Hey. . .wake up. . .I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

He didn't wake up so I shook his body. His eyes flew open.

He smiled and said softly, "hey..."

Then I started crying so hard.

How can he be so gentle after all that I did to him just for a stupid gummy bear?

Feeling full max of regret, all I did was to hug him tightly and mutters many 'sorry's.

At first, he got surprised as my hug was unexpected but he hugged back.

"Shhhh. Stop with the sorry's. It's all fine," he said, voice was gentle as ever, he rubbed my back gently.

I continued crying on his shoulder for minutes.

"I don't know why I'm so mad for that gummy bears. You deserve better. I'm so sorry."

I heard him chuckle, "it's fine. I'm sorry for eating it too. We'll buy many gummy bears tomorrow, m'kay?"

I pulled away to look at his soft and gentle features. No one can ever imagine him so angry at anything.

I nodded, "thank you. . . I love you so much."

He hugged my tighter, "I love you more."


(A/N): how was it?

Next update will be a 2d character again (requested).
I'm having more motivation since school started. ^o^


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