16. Just A Bet...

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(bf/n)=boyfriend's name

This is very cliche

1st person's POV

I caught him staring at me again for the 5th time. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before he smiled and looked away. My heart fluttered.

Even though I'm aware that our relationship was just a game to him, the genuinity on his face, whenever he looks at me, makes me think that he truly loves me. Or maybe he's just good at acting.

He didn't know that I'm aware of the bet he and his friends made. I knew it since the beginning as I accidentally overheard his friends talking about their bet about me. I had fallen for him at the time I first laid my eyes at him and so I let him do his job of making me fall in love and breaking my heart so he could win for whatever the prize.

The bet is already 5 months long. He's taking too long to break up with me. I've already seen him played other girls before and I've seen how he break up with girls so easily.

I looked at him again just to meet his eyes once more. He smiled then fished his phone in his pocket, typing something.

After a few seconds, my phone vibrated and I looked at it.

A message from him.

I opened it and it says:


My brows furrowed before I looked at him. He only winks before disappearing into the other room.

Sighing I decided to leave too.

(* ̄︶ ̄*)(* ̄︶ ̄*)

The bell rang for dismissal. Once I get out of the school campus, I spotted my boyfriend with his friends. He looked so worried, biting his knuckle and looking down while the boys were rubbing his back.

I wonder what made him look like that.

I pouted, feeling bad for him and wanting to comfort him like I usually do but I don't want to interfere with his friends as their presence intimidates me. I just turned around and walked my way home.

It's a 40 minutes walk to reach my home.

When I reached home, my mother insisted me to eat her homemade pizza and I ended up eating half of it as it is very delicious.

After the early dinner, I made my way up to my room and decided to do homeworks.

More minutes past and I lost count of time.

Then my mother knocked on the door making me flinch a little.

"Honey," her voice echoed through the quiet room.

"Yes ma?"

"You have a visitor, I asked him to join us for dinner but he refused and said that he just wanted to talk to you," her voice became clear when I opened the door.

He? A boy.

I saw her smile, a teasing one, making my eye roll. I know exactly what she's thinking.

"He looks handsome.. maybe here to c-"

"No, ma, please," I cupped her face and shook my head as she chuckle. Then I let go and went downstairs to talk to that guy.

"I'll be on my room, call me if you need anything," I heard her shout, followed closing door.

I checked my outfit, my hair, my skin. It's a guy that I'm facing. He might be cute or handsome so I should look presentable.

I searched around but there's no any cute guy.


Then suddenly, a guy's body appeared behind the couch. His eyes widened and he scratched the back of his head.


"I didn't know you have a tall, intimidating dog," he smiled, as my tall, black, muscular, doberman walked from the couch to me.

He looked intimidating and mad but he's a sweetheart, a soft fluffy bear inside.

"What are you doing here? H-how did you know I live here?" I asked, ignoring my dog who's begging for attention.

He smiled nervously, "I have my ways... I wanted to talk to you."

My heartbeat became fast as he walk closer to me. He was looking at me as if he was searching for something.

Once he's about 2 feet away from me, he let out a shaky breath then raked his hair with his right hand.

Why does he look so nervous?


Maybe this is the time where he would tell me everything about the bet.


"I know."

We said at the same time.

He looked to me with wide eyes. I looked down at my bare feet and continued talking.

"I know that everything between us is just a game, a bet. I know you never loved me. I know the reason why you're here. I know that you'll find pleasure breaking my heart so let's just end this here easi-"

I felt his hand on my chin, lifting my head up and closing the space between our lips.

At first, my eyes widened, surprised by the sudden kiss but the warmth of his lips made me give in and kiss back.

After few minutes, he pulled away. His eyes pierced into mine. Tears rolled down his cheeks.



"You're crying," I said then my hand subconsciously cupped his face and wiped the tears.

He smiled before burying his face in my neck, pressing his whole body into me.

"Have you not noticed how I express all my love for you?" He quietly said, almost sad. "I love you since the beginning. I love you so much that I'm afraid to tell you everything about this stupid bet. I'm afraid that if you knew about that you'll leave me and never come back."

His hug tightened.

"My friends told me they intentionally made me play this game so they could confirm that I'm in love with you."

He pulls away and watched my surprised face. He smiled and cupped my cheeks.

"I'm surprised too. They just told me that after school and pushed me to confess my feeling to you. That's why I'm here."

I didn't say anything. I just hugged him again.

He loves me back.

We hugged for so long.

"I love you," I started.

"I lov-"


My mother's voice echoed through the house. We immediately pulled away and looked at her who was leaning on the stair railing, smirking at the both of us.

I got embarrassed and covered my face with my hands.


"I'm hungry, my daughter. Let's eat. You can invite your boyfriend to eat with us," she smiled and walked towards the kitchen

I felt my boyfriend's hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling it away from my face.

"Eat with us," I said and he nodded.

He then pecked my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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