1. Sick Boyfriend

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2nd person's POV

You hurriedly went in a bus when you got a message from his roommate telling you that 'your boyfriend is sick and his temperature's higher than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai'. He messaged you that after your school.

You bought some instant noodles and medication for him.

Once you get on the front of his dorm room door, you knocked and waited, impatiently.

Lips pursed, brows were furrowed and you were glaring at the door as you think of any cause of his fever. You were thinking of what thing he did to cause him to be sick, from yesterday to last week.

The door was opened by his roommate, Phoenix, "sorry I took so long," he scratched the back of his head, nervous and uncomfortable. Why? Because he got crush on you and you're aware of it. Even your boyfriend.

"Thank you for telling me, you're the best," you smiled at him and patted his arm before walking past him.

You saw your boyfriend laying on his bed with 3 layers of blanket wrapping around his body like a burrito.

Your heart swelled in sight and your face was filled with worry.

Fevers are the worst. You thought.

"Did he eat already?" You asked turning you body to his roommate.

"No, not yet. I don't know. Actually, I-I just got here," you nodded understandingly.

"How long has he been sick?"

"Just now, I think. He's been there all day," you nodded again, turning to you boyfriend.

This is awkward.

"I should give you two some privacy," he said awkwardly. You smile at him before mumbling 'thank you'.

You placed the noodles and the medicine on his study table and went to wake him up.

"Hey, big head, wake up," you shook him lightly and he groaned, face scrunching up as he turning away from you. "It's me, your girlfriend."

You flattened your palm on his forehead to feel his temperature. His roommate was right, he's very hot.

"Wake up, please. You need to eat food so you can drink your medicine," you brushed his hair away from his forehead.

He hummed but didn't move.

You shake him aggresively before he said, "okay! Okay! I'm up."

His voice was so raspy that you got scare of it.

He got up and you helped him. He leaned on the headboard and watched you as you prepare his food.

"Here, eat this so you can have your medicine," you repeated and placed the instant noodles in front of him and he only stared at you. You nudged the cup to him and his stare shifted to it. "Have you eaten already?"

"No, I don't have an appetite to eat any."

You shook you head and brought the spoon filled with the soup to his mouth, "ah, you need to eat, please."

He shook his head.

"Please, before I call your mother," you know that he hates it when his mother was worrying about him so you joked.

It was effective. He glared at you first before opening his mouth, "can't taste any."

"That's alright, just so you have something in you stomach before taking medicine," and he nodded with that, eating only half of the noodles. He took his medicine and thanked you.

He asked you to cuddle with him but you refused at first, "pleaaaaaase," he pouted his lips and blinked his eyes rapidly.

You laughed at his face, "fine, you look ugly." You laid beside him, spooning him, and he snuggles in your chest. You felt his hot temperature all over your skin. You brushes his hair back and kissed his forehead.

He pouted his lips asking you too kiss it but you refused, "I don't want to get sick too." He shook his head and reached for your lips, you pecked his lips lightly. He smiled sweetly then snuggled to you chest again.

"I love it when you take care of me."

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