36. Tsukishima Kei

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an anime imagines (haikyuu!)
requested by @Zhang-Lu
i hope you liked it
thank you for your request

3rd person's POV

y/n is greeted with shouting and cheering when she entered the school court. She smiled at the familiar everyday scenery. Everyone seems to be focused on their practice, taking it seriously.

"Go Tsukki!" y/n cheered as she walks close to the pretty manager, making her boyfriend take a glance at her.

We're just practicing, no need to cheer me. Tsukishima silently thought.

y/n watch the tall guy as he teases the other players after losing from him, mostly to Hinata. The way his lips smirks and how his eyes express emotion made him look even better in y/n eyes.

She's happy that he's having fun.

Minutes after, they have a short break. Everyone went to get their water and wipe their sweats. They praised each other for doing good and giving their best.

Tsukishima went straight to y/n and she gave him a water bottle. As he drinks, y/n wiped his sweat off his neck with a towel. It is their routine.

Hinata, the oranged hair guy with a height lower than y/n, ran towards the couple, startling them both as he jumped high with excitement.

"Did you see that, y/n? Did you see our quick attack?" He asked excitedly, eyes brightening with joy.

y/n laughed and nodded, "of course I saw it! You guys are improving." She gave him a pat on the head like a little puppy.

The black-haired guy held a frowned face as he walked to Hinata. He grabbed Hinata's collar and dragged him away from the couple.

"Do not interrupt them," he muttered to Hinata.

"But, Kageyama~" he whined back, still wanting to brag to y/n about his spike.

y/n's attention went back to Tsukishima, continuing to wipe his sweat.

"Yamaguchi told me that he can't walk with us today," y/n eyes searched for Yamaguchi and they both waved at each other.


"He said he has to go somewhere after practice." y/n nodded understandingly.

But she's sad that there will be no one to talk to while she walks home. Even though Tsukishima walks with them every day, he has his earphones on and ignores the two.

Then coach Ukai told them that they need to come back and do another practice.

Once they finished practicing, they cleaned the court and bid goodbye to the others.

y/n and Tsukishima are alone on the sidewalk.

Today, Tsukishima didn't wear his headphones like he used to.

"Do you want to ramen with me?" he suddenly asked. y/n looked at him with confusion but nodded.

"This is the first time you asked me out," she stated and he turned his head away from her.

"Well, being alone with you is quite rare so I'm gonna make the most of it." His heart pounded harder to his chest. Though he loved the feeling of it, he just wanted to yank his heart out for not being able to control it. He's embarrassed to admit that anything that y/n do makes his heart flutter.

y/n thought that he's acting out of character. He's not the usual salty guy who doesn't join any activities that involve fun.

"It is fine. I would love to do anything with you!" She cheered and hugged Tsukishima's arms with a giggle.

When she pulled away, his arms felt empty.

"y/n." he said in a serious tone and stopped walking.

She hummed in response, facing him.

"I love you," he said and y/n almost did not hear it.

Butterflies dances in their stomach as they exchange loving words. 

She smiled, "I love you too, of course," then she placed her arms on his broad shoulder, tipped on her toes, and reached her lips to his.

Tsukishima, on the other hand, held her waist and pulled her closer to him. He returned the kiss with passion and love.

Tanaka and Nishinoya were walking on the same path where the couple went and they saw them kissing on the sidewalk.

They were both mesmerized as that is the first time seeing them kiss. They covered each other's eyes as they giggle from excitement.

Slowly, they walk the opposite way, taking the other route, at the same time talking about how sweet the two looks.

They wonder if that could happen to them but with Kiyoko Shimizu.

(A/N): what point of view do y'all prefer? 1st, 2nd or 3rd?


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