Your Boyfriend Is A Mafia (part 2)

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Again, I don't know how mafia works :)

1st person's POV

(bf/n) has been distancing himself from me ever since the incident 2 months ago. I haven't seen him since then.

He never answered my calls and texts.

Maybe he's just busy. I always try to convince myself.

It's getting me anxious about him. He only does this whenever he's busy or dealing with something big but 2 months is too long.

Or maybe that something big was the father of the man he killed 2 months ago.

I'm getting worried about him. I'd sometimes call his secretary but he only answers me with 'he's not here' and 'I don't know where he is'.

It's so frustrating.

What if he's in danger?

What if he found someone else?

I slapped my head with both hands, stopping myself from thinking further.

Just focus on your work! I scolded myself.

Focusing on my studies gets harder and harder as the days pass by. My brain would always think about him. My skin would always crave his touch.

The exams are in two weeks and I really need to study to be ready. I really need the cooperation of my mind.

After I finished reviewing at the coffee shop, I recognize my bodyguards on casual outfits.

I met them or should I say caught them 2 weeks ago. They're both men named Jackson and Tie both in their mid 20's. They told me not to come or talk and even smile at them.

Just by seeing them tells me that my boyfriend is still watching me.

So I only exchange eye contact before continued walking.

As I walk back to my home, I noticed my boyfriend's car parked.

I went inside the house and noticed his favourite leather jacket placed on the sofa.

I smiled.

He's here now.

"Hey," his manly voice echoed through the house, leading to the kitchen.

Turning 180, I saw him leaning on the kitchen counter, hands on his pockets, watching me.

"Hey," I smiled. He grew some facial hair making him look even more mature. I walked to him, more like ran, then engulfed him into a tight hug.

God, I missed him. His touch, his voice, his scent, his presence. It just gave me goosebumps.

He hugged back, giggling slightly.

"I missed you," he whispered, rough voice sending chills down my spine.

"I've missed you too," I pulled away but still kept my body attached to his, cupping his face with both hands. "Where have you been?"

He frowned a little but recovered quickly before raking his hand on his hair.

"Just... Work," he hesitated.

"You sure? You look so unsure," I brushed the hair that falls on his forehead back. He nodded.

Sighing, I leaned my head to his chest feeling his heartbeat. "Why did you take so long?"

"I'm just... Very busy," he looked everywhere except me.

"Tell me," I firmly said. I have a feeling he's hiding something. Well, it's obvious just with the look on his face.

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