14. Tired

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1st person's POV

It was midnight and my eyes can't stay open anymore. I'm so stressed and tired. I hurriedly went in the elevator and pressed the floor I am living at.

I leaned my back on the wall and closed my eyes until it reaches my floor.

The elevator dinged and I flinched a little.

With droopy eyes, I walk to the door and inserted the key. It took me time to put the key in properly.

Checking the time, it's 2 in the morning and I still have to wake up early tomorrow. I twist the door knob and opened it.

Relief perceived my muscles and it aches to feel my soft bed and the warm hug of my boyfriend.

Walking in, I saw my boyfriend going out of the bathroom. When he saw me, he smiled and walked towards me, opening his arms for a hug.

I lazily walked to him and embraced him with a tight hug.

Just the way I wanted.

I sighed in relief.

He removed the sling bag I was wearing.

"You still awake," I said and he nodded.

After a few seconds I felt him pull my shirt up.

"No, I'm tired," I said, pushing his hands away but he's strong.

He chuckles and said, "it's not what you're thinking, I prepared a bath for you."

I looked at his face, confused because he is smiling.

He continued pulling my shirt up and I let him. He undo my jeans and bra until I was only left with my panties. He then carried me in a bridal style. I yelped and he laughed.

When we entered the bathroom, I gasped then awed as I saw the bathtub filled with bubbles and flowers.

Slowly, he placed me in and I giggled. The water was little cold.

My body relaxed and I sighed.

"Feels good?"

I hummed, closing my eyes, letting my muscles relax.

I felt his lips on my forehead.

"You stayed up and did this for me?" I asked.

"Yeah... you said you will be late and I know that you will come home tired and stressed so I did this for you to have some little time for yourself."

I smiled, more familiar warmth filled my heart, "you don't need to."

"But I want to. You've been doing your best, giving your all but it would make you tired. So take my little reward for you."

I pouted at his kindness. I cupped his cheeks and gave him a peck on the lips.

"You're so great, baby... Oh. And I also asked your boss to give you a day off."

"You can do that?"

He nodded before giving me another kiss.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love."


(A/N): Is this cute? This is suppose to praise/honor you for doing your best in your life.

Thank you for voting and adding this imagines to your library or reading lists. It inspires me to write more imagines and I hope this imagines makes you happy.

I love you all


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