4. Period

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2nd person's POV

When you woke up, it was 4 in the morning you felt discomfort on your lower belly area. Slowly and gently as possible, you slid off your boyfriend's possessive grip and went in the bathroom to urinate.

Just when you slid you slid down your underwear, there are a blood all over it.

Sighing, you sat on the toilet and peed.

You looked around the room just to realize that you have no napkins or any tampons and you groaned.

The discomfort in your lower abdomen worsen and you called for your boyfriend.

He opened the bathroom door, he rubbed his face and yawned. He raised a brow at the sight and smirked, you assumed he have a joke in his mind.


"You stabbed yourself again?" He laughed at his silly joked and you rolled you eyes. He was now wide awake.

"Just buy me napkins," you groaned.

"Sure, yeah," he winked and left.

(* ̄︶ ̄*)(* ̄︶ ̄*)

You're now laying your bed for almost 2 hours. After your boyfriend got your pads, he also brought some chocolates and a take out McDonald's.

The hot compress was placed on your lower abdomen and you already took some Advil to relieve the pain but the discomfort was still there.

Watching some romance comedy barely eases the uneasiness and you can't sleep again.

Your boyfriend went in the room with water on his hand. He smiled at you and you body fluttered.

He handed you the glass of water and laid his head on your chest.

"Are you feeling better?" his voice was low causing you to shiver.

When you don't respond, he looked up to you and started massage your lower abdomen in a circular motion, firmly.

"I don't know if this is doing something to make you feel better," he laughed. "I'm sorry you feel pain like this."

He returned his attention to the movie, still massaging your lower abdomen.

"No need to say sorry, it's not your fault," you rake his hair repeatedly. "And I'm sorry for waking you up so early and for staining your sheets."

He chuckled, adding more pressure to you abdomen, "no worries about the sheets, it's just sheets," he said, "and I've been sleeping a lot lately."

You hummed, feeling a little better as he continues to massage your lower belly.

"I feel a lot better," you murmured then yawned.

He shifted and now on above you, caressing your hair then cheeks. "Sleep, baby, you need that. If you need anything I'll be here."

You nodded and closed your eyes.

"I love you," he whispered and you drifted to sleep.


A/N: I hate period. You?


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