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Virat pov
"I am fedup from my old man and his fucking tatics .Seriously I need a break from this yrr.... " Virat sat on the hanging swing chair and closed his eyes.
" Your father is really pain in ass dude . Now tell us what is it that made you mad." Vikram inquired rising his eyebrow .
" He is asking .....No forcing me to marry his friend's daughter . Can you believe him ,few days ago he was acting all nice to get information from me about my lovelife.But I realized how stupid I was to reply honestly to that cunning old man. He very well knew my weakness and how to use it against me.God this man will be death of me." Virat said clenching his jaw tight and making tthe last part highlighted for his friends .
" What the problem bro, It common to have political marriage in our society .May be you would like the girl afterwards . Why don't just meet her and go out . Meet her for few dates and go with natural process then take any decision . " Suraj presented his opinion .
" Suraj stop talking like my father.Look I wouldn't be making this fuzz if I didn't have any girl in my life. But I do have one now." Virat said while seeping his wisky .
" ooh! I getting it now.I understand now how all of a sudden our Prince started acting like love sick puppy . You are after that bangle girl.You didn't even saw her bro. Do you have any kind of soulmate detector or something like that.
What if she have been already married to someone . Stop imagining thing , think practically Virat."Girish tried to intervene in the convo .
" God Suraj can't you keep things secret. I'm so done with you man. Look guys I didn't want to hide it .
Anyhow you all know everything ." Virat raised his hands in air to show his surrender.
" What should I do now ? ...... I have her pendant and I also asked Naresh for footage of security camera on the road." Virat asked worried .
" Look Virat , As your friend I will only suggest you to listen to your heart.
We all want you to be happy after all . But will you able to live peacefully after not fulfill your promise."Adrash said calmly .
Virat was upset but he need to accomplish his loved one's last wish .
After listening to his friends he decided to find the girl and only thank her nothing more than that.

" Hello may I speak to Mr Rathore . I'm his old friend ." Raghuvender spoke.
" Let me connect your call to him sir ." Sunil said.
" Hello Raghuvender .How are you ?... I was eagerly waiting for your call." Devender said with enthusiasm in his voice.
" I'm doing fine Maharaj. I called you to inform you that we are looking forward to make our friendship in Kinship." said with happiness .
" You don't know Raghu ,How happy I am today after receiving this good news. I will be coming today to meet your family with my son." Devender replied.


" Naina puttar get ready .Look at this dress did you like it "Mahi said while putting her dress on the bed.
" Are we going somewhere Mom. Wow its beautiful ." Naina took the dress in her hands and asked.
" No Naina , My friend Devender and his son is coming to see you for your marriage proposal . Didn't you remember we talked about this last night " Raghuvender said furrowning.
Naina was shocked to hear that from his father.Why she doesn't remember this.
Then it hit back in her memory " So you were talking about my marriage last night .I'm sorry Dad but can't marry right now.It's a misunderstanding ,Please call your friend and reject this proposal . Ohkay". Naina said with nervousness .
" Are you out of your mind Naina . I can't say no now . I have some respect among society .For God sake please understand baccha ( child) I can't do this. " he said keeping his patience at bay.
Naina eyes welled up with unshred tears.She was not able to understand why suddenly his father acting so different .
Then she said something without thinking " Are you selling me off in exchange of your debt Dad.I can't believe this your are behaving like this ." instantly regret her words.
Raghuvender was in jolt after hearing that .Mahi didn't waited anymore and slapped Naina across her cheek to make her realize what she had said.
" Stop reading your Stupid novels Naina.How can you say all this to your father. We admit that we didn't made it clear it last night .But you are crossing all the limits ." she seethed in anger.
" It all your father's faults to think so highly of her daughter .......
Shayaad humri Parwarish mei hi kami rah gyi hai Raghu. Mahi cried her heart out.

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