Lust and Love

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I realized today
That people
Just want to be loved

And some of my friends
Want so badly
To be loved
That they don't understand
That lust is not love
A sexual dream
Is not flattery
And a touch
Is not the only way
That love can be shown

I want to be loved
But not like that
I want to be loved
Almost as much
As I want to be respected

I would rather never be loved
Than be loved
In a way that is lustful

I want a love
That prioritizes purity
And respect
Or I want
No love at all

If a man
Cannot respect me
And love me
Than I do not want
Him to ever love me

To me
Lust is lust
And love is respect
Lust and respect
Cannot both be acted upon
And thus
I want to be respected
And I want to be loved
But I want never
To be lusted after


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