The Graduation Stage I Dread

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It's not the fact
That I don't get to
Be with you anymore
That I no longer call you
That you no longer
Care for me
As you once did
It's not even
That you chose
To stop loving me

Though those things
Do hurt

What hurts the most
Is that
There will come a day
Where you'll no longer be
In my life at all

One day soon
I'll watch you walk
Across that graduation stage
And instead of
Starting a new life
With you
Like we were so sure we would
I will never see you again.

In less than two years
You'll be gone

That little picture
In my mind of us
Starting a life
A family
And doing it all together
That picture is slowly fading
I'm getting used to the idea
Of a life without you
But I cannot
For the life of me
Imagine a life without you in it

What happens when I don't see you anymore?
How am I to be okay
With knowing that
Your life and my life
No longer tie together
And there is no string
That will hold us fast

After you walk across that stage
This will be it
Our relationship is over
And one day soon
The phase of our life
Where we shared it together
Will be too

I don't know how to accept
A life I was sure would be with spent you
Entirely devoid of your presence

I can't fathom
You walking across the stage
And out of my life


 [p o e t r y]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ