A Childhood Of Avengers

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In 20 years time
I will be near 40 years old
I will be perhaps married
Perhaps grown
I will be perhaps much older
And wiser
Than i am now
But regardless
I doubt I will care
So deeply 
As I do now
And as I have
For the things that shaped my childhood
But some time
Maybe 20 years from now
Someone will look at me
And ask
"Did you ever watch those Marvel movies
As a kid?"
Or it will take me back to another life
When I was younger
Younger than I am even now
When all I cared about
Was the simply fantasies of life
I cared for book
For comics
And for Marvel movies
I spent hours and hours every day
Researching the
Cinematic universe
Rewatching the movies
Replaying clips 
In my mind
Thinking and scheming up
How the movies would finally come to an end
I had dozens of posters,
Some as big as I was tall,
Hanging on my wall:
Captain America
Iron Man
Black Widow
They were my heros
I loved them
Some days I felt that
They were my closest
And only friends.

Some day
Maybe 20 years from now
Someone will offhandedly
Ask me "did you ever
Watch those marvel movies as a kid"
And I will remember
How I laughed
And lived for the characters
Of the marvel cinematic universe
And I will look at the stranger
Asking me the question
And I will simply say
"Yes, and I loved them."


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