Best Friend's Boyfriend

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I am often afraid
When my best friends
Start dating
Worried that I'll lose them
To a lover
And become insignificant
On account
Of another

But last night
As I pondered this thought
I found myself
Left with nothing
But a feeling of
And gratefulness

My best friend's boyfriend
Is an amazing man
He loves her so well
So dearly
So kindly
So sweetly
And he doesn't make
Me feel unimportant

My best friend's boyfriend
Holds her doors
He buys her flowers
And writes her sweet notes
He apologies first
And adores her
With all he is

And yet
With all the love
He shows her
He never has made me feel
Like her love and attention
Is a competition
I'm destined to loose

He shows me respect
And treats me as a friend
He asks my opinion
On how to love her better
And he helps box up my food
While I take silly selfies with her
He offers to hold my coat
While she laughs with me
Most of all
He treats me as a friend
As an equal
With the common goal
Of loving Jenna well

I'm lucky
Because my best friend's boyfriend
Is my friend too
And he's never made me feel
Less important
Less needed
Or like I'd have to fight for her love

I'm grateful to have a best friend
Who loves me so well
And to have a friend
In her boyfriend
Who treats me so kindly
And who loves her
As dearly as I do


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