The Summer of 2017

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The summer of 2017
Was the best
And the worst
Summer of my life
But most of all
It was the most eventful

In May of 2017
I learned to be afraid
And I learned
To hurt
More than my heart had ever hurt
For a loss
That had yet to come:
My best friend

In June of 2017
I made my most favorite memories
I fell in love with the world
With exploring ,
With the simplicity of reading
Percy Jackson on a swing
I fell in love with kind people
Who made us water slides,
Who bought me
a horrid tub of sour orange lava gummy worm ice cream,
I fell in love with Canada,
With her mountains
The no trespassing cliffs I climbed
With her oceans
The waves that held jelly fish
Clear ones that I scooped up
By the bucket full
And orange ones that stung
So badly Alethea cried
In June of 2017
I fell in love with Canada day
With Tims'
With the freedom of experiences

In July of 2017
I explored the depths of loneliness
My best friend moved
I hated her mother
I weept for months after
I screamed into my pillow
some nights I never slept
Most nights I barely slept
Days were alright.
During the day I leaned to
Express myself
I curled my hair
Wore space buns and glitter
Tired nailpolish and black lipstick
But nights were lonely
I cried, a lot
I wrote poems till I couldn't
hurt my heart with words anymore
Then I read
I tried to loose myself in books
All I really lost was my best friend and half my heart
July of 2017 was a hard month

In August of 2017
I lost myself further
School was starting back
And with it
I furiously sought for my identity
I lost myself in new, toxic friends
I lost myself in softmore school
I devoted my life to my friends
I even gained two new sisters
Never the less,
as the summer of 2017 ended,
My heart was filled with grief,
Yet mind was filled with
wondrous adventures

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