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Content Warning (for the whole story)- Self Harm, picking/peeling scabs, Abusive relationships, Domestic Violence, Suicide attempts, Eating Disorder, vomiting , sexualizing age regression, Impure regression, smoking, childhood sexual assault

Luca's POV

I sat there on in the driver seat of my car, my hands shaking, phone in my middle console, blade in my hand.
"Do it. Make dada happy." He told me over the phone, the sound of moans and heavy breathing was along with his voice. I put the blade in the air before slashing it down on my skin, blood running down my lap.
"Oh no!" I yelped, trying to stop the blood as it was deeper than I expected.
"Don't cover it, show me." He demanded. I flashed the camera my thigh where the injury was before quickly covering it back up.
"Dada me scared! Me no wana leev yews..." I exclaimed, my breathing pace increasing. Seconds after I stated that, loud grunts could be heard followed by a dial tone.

'What..? Dady left me! Me needs him!' I thought to myself, looking at the screen which was now showing his contact ID. I clicked the green button, attempting to call him again.
'Mayb he didn't meen to..?' I reasoned with myself only you be challenged by his voice-mail. I felt liquid running through my fingers and onto my leg and seat. I felt fuzzy and dizzy at the same time and darkness overtook me.

I came back into consciousness and felt sick to my stomach. I suddenly doubled over and vomited on my lap, begining to cry.
'I'm icky...' I thought to myself, sitting back up and wiping my mouth. I felt tears rolling down my face and I let them fall. I glanced down at my thigh and saw dark red blood soaked into my shorts and seat, dried blood around the wound. I took in my surroundings and saw my phone between me and the passenger seat. I felt anger and sadness and longing all building up in the pit of my stomach, picking up the phone and unlocking it.

-6 Unread Messages-

-Baby where the hell are you
-Daddy wants you to send me pictures
-Why aren't you answering?!
-Answer me!
-Fine, guess you're just fucking cheating on me
-Fuck you

'Dada <3' has blocked you

I teared up and clicked my phone off, hiding my face.
'Fine... D-don't even care!' I thought to myself. I wiped my eyes and looked down to see my thigh, seeing the wound I made for him.
'Why the hell would I do that? I Whatever... I'm just going to the hotel.' I quickly turned the key in the ignition and backed out onto the empty highway. I clicked the car into drive and sped off onto the road, knowing exactly where I was heading.

I pulled into the parking lot and skidded to a halt in an empty parking space. I pulled myself out of the car, reeking of puke and blood. I probably look like shit too. I unlocked the trunk and opened it, pulling out my duffle bag. I unzipped it and pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a grey hoodie. I sat them ontop of the car before shoving the bag back in the car, slamming the trunk shut. I climbed in the backseat and peeled off my clothes, replacing them with the ones from my bag.

I opened the car door and picked up the dirty clothes with two fingers, quickly walking over to the dumpster and throwing them in. I heard sirens in the distance and sighed. There were always sirens around, this place is sketchy as hell. I didn't expect the police car to pull into the parking lot and stop, beside my car and me. I stared at the officer, anxious and confused. He stormed out of the car and walked over to me me.

"What you doing?" The officer asked me, slamming the door shut.
"Nothing..." I mumbled, playing with my fingers. He peeked over my shoulder into my car, his eyes widening.
"What's with the blood?!" He demanded. I almost face palmed. Of fucking course someone called the police on me after seeing me. In all fairness though, I did seem really suspicious.
"I didn't hurt anyone!" I shouted, feeling accused. I felt my cheeks heat as I realized how incriminating that sentance was. I looked down, tears in my eyes and sighed.

"C'mon get in the car. I have to take you down to the station." He stated blankly. He opened the car door and I slid into the backseat. He slammed the door shut and made his way into the driver's seat. I sighed to myself and laid head in my hands. I could feel the urge to go into little space. I was just so stressed and scared and sad.

We pulled into the station and he parked next to the double doors where you entered the station. He got out and stalked over to my door, opening it and grabbing me roughly by the wrists and yanking me out of the car. I whimpered as I was dragged into the station and slammed down into a padded office chair. My eyes shifted as I tried to take all my surroundings in at once and while the officer sat down opposite of me.
"Why were you bloody?" He asked coldly. He almost glared me down while questioning me.
"I-I.. cut myself in the car.." I mumbled loudly, not really wanting to admit it. His face softened but he still seemed skeptical.
"Show me." He instructed leaning closer to me. I shakily raised the end of my shorts to show a relatively large gash across my thigh, almost wincing once I saw it.

He sighed and leaned in to take a closer look. I ignored the urge to pull away and let him look.
"It doesn't need stitches.' He deducted, pulling away and sitting up.
"Mkay.." I mumbled, slurring my words a little.  Oh no! I need to stay big... I began squirming in the chair. He looked me in the eyes and stood up.
"You're free to go, we can't keep you here when you've got an alabi." He told me.
"I'll drive you back, I need to get the clothes in the dumpster to test too." He turned his back to me and I quickly followed behind him.

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