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Marcus POV

I pulled into Chris' driveway and turned down the radio before unplugging my phone. Surprisingly, Luca had known ot of the songs and hummed along as we drove. He gently kicked his legs and I reached over, unbuckling him. I got out of the car and went over to his side, opening his door. He reached up for me and I obliged, taking him in my arms and shutting the door after getting him out. He clung onto me and I held onto him, not as tight, as I brought him up to the front door. I knocked hard a few times and waited.
"W-who friend..?" Luca asked me quietly.
"Well, the one who owns the house is Chris and then there's 2 more you don't know. One has blonde hair and it's kinda a mullet, that's Jacob. Then Sage has like.. a  E-boy hair cut and his hair's black." I told him. "Then you know Veronica."

I'm going to be honest, I'm surprised I could hold Luca this long. Not because he looked big, but because when I carry actual toddlers, it's harder to carry them this long than it is to carry Luca. He suddenly hiccuped and pouted a bit. Finally, Chris opened the door.
"Hey! Come on in." He said, gesturing us inside. I followed him in, Luca clinging onto me. He took us to the living room where everyone else was. Everyone was sitting ok the carpet around the coffee table so I sat down on my bottom with Luca in my lap, next to Veronica and Jacob. Veronica smiled at me and rubbed Luca's head making him turn and look at her. He slowly reached out for her and I let her take him from me.

Luca POV

Veronica took me from Marcus and I rubbed my eyes. There were more people than I was used to and I wasn't super comfy with any of them. I only kinda knew Marcus and Veronica, then I had met Jacob once. I hiccuped and covered my mouth, blushing. I did it again and sniffled a bit. They kinda hurt.
"Do you wanna try drinking something?" Someone asked me. I think it was Spade. I nodded a little bit and hiccuped again. I don't wanna keep making noise but I also don't wanna make them get me things. He got up and went into another room, I assume the kitchen.
"Y'all wanna smoke?" Chris asked, standing up.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Veronica said, probably talking about me.
"Why? We just don't pass to him." He responded, leaving the room as well. I put my head on Veronica's shoulder and my body shook as I hiccuped again. Someone walked back in, holding a cup of something blue out to me. I took it with both hands and took a sip. It wasn't good, but it didn't make me sick so I can deal with it. I hiccuped and took another long drink, hoping it would go away. When I pulled it away from my mouth, Veronica gently took it from me and sat it down on the table.

I felt my tummy flip flop as Chris blew out smoke. It had been ending up in my face because of the air conditioner, making me feel sick. I don't like when people smoke weed... alot of the reason I felt sick wasn't the smoke itself, it was more the memories of my parents. They would hot box the car with me in the backseat for as long as I can remember. I would always end up contact high and end up vomiting all night from how much they smoked.
"You look really pale.." Marcus said, turning me to face him. I shrugged and laid back down on Veronica, feeling very neusous.

He sighed and got up.
"I should probably get him home, Kayden's gonna be there soon anyways." Marcus told them, picking me up. I gagged at the sudden motion, covering my mouth and my eyes watering. Chris got up and frowned.
"C'mon! We're about to get out the wine coolers, you should stick around." He exclaimed, putting a hand on Marcus' shoulder. I didn't like that he was close to me.. I held Marcus tighter, scared shit-less.

"I really gotta get him home, Chris." Marcus said, shrugging off his hand. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, take the bitch home." He said, shoving Marcus a bit. Tears threatened to fall as my body shook. Marcus didn't say another word, he just turned around and walked out, slamming the house door. I want Dady.. Marcus opened the car door, setting me in the passenger seat and closing my door. He got into his side and turned on the car, begining to drive home. I pulled my knees up to the chest and chewed on the inside of my mouth. I heard my phone go off and I dug it out of my pockets, looking at it. I didn't really know what to do..

Marcus reached over and took the phone from me, answering it and putting it on speaker.
"Hey, what's up?" Marucs asked, putting down the phone on the middle console.
"I was just calling to let you guys know I'm on my way home and it'll be probably like.... 10 minutes?" Dady said, making me smile. I didn't really know what all he said but I really missed Dady.
"Dady!" I shouted, giggling and stimming in my seat.
"Hi baby!" He said, just making me happier.
"Well we'll be waiting. Drive safe!" Marcus said, hanging up the phone.

About five minutes later we pulled into the driveway. Marcus unbuckled me and quickly got out of the car, rushing over to my side and letting me out. I reached up for him and he picked me up, closing the door and locking the car. He brought me up to the front door and unlocked it, carrying me inside.
"You wanna watch something?" Marcus asked, setting down his keys. I nodded fast and put my fingers in my mouth, teething on them. He picked up the TV remote and turned on Disney+. I didn't pay it much mind until I saw my name on it. I gasped.
"That's my name!!" I shouted, pointing and turning to make sure Marcus was paying attention. He cracked a small smile before agreeing with me.
"You wanna watch it?" He asked, making me nod.

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