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Kayden POV

"I couldn't with Leah anymore, me and her were fighting more than anything else so we broke up." Jacob said nonchalantly over the phone.
"I guess it ended okay considering how calm you are right now." I observed, sitting down on the couch next to Luca, who was still sleeping. He's been out for about an hour and a half now, so he's probably half done with his nap. He normally sleeps until dinner time anyways.
"Yeah, and she was paying rent so I've been staying at a friend's house the past few days." He continued.
"You know you can come here, right?" I told him.

"You sure? I don't wanna bother you guys." He asked.
"Of course!" I exclaimed, putting my feet up on the couch.
"We've got an extra room upstairs plus you won't have to drive down here to watch Luca."
"If you're both sure about it." He finally agreed.
"I promise, you can." I reassured him, glancing at Luca shift in his sleep. He said okay and told me he'd come by to figure it all out. I told him we'd be here and exchanged goodbyes before hanging up. Guess I have some news for Luca when he's big. I saw Luca squirm and shift around again before a few tears rolled down his face.

"Shit.. that can't be good.." I mumbled, setting down my phone on the coffee table. Is he having a nightmare? In a matter of seconds he was crying harder and was still sleeping. Should I wake him..? I gently touched his shoulder before shaking him. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up, wiping his eyes. He was shaking a little and stared at me, wide eyed, for a second.
"Daddy..?" He quietly asked, sniffling.
"Come here, Baby." I mumbled, moving into a more comfortable position and opening my arms for him. He quickly crawled into my lap and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulders.
"Let Daddy help. Let me make you feel all better." I whispered, patting his back.
"D-dady, I had nitemare.." He whispered, looking up at me.
"Oh yeah? Do you want to tell me about it?" I asked gently.
"M-my momma was mad at me again.. An she hurted me!" He exclaimed, tears running down his cheeks.

"Oh, Baby.." I whispered, wiping his face, "You're safe here. While Im here, no one will hurt you." He burried his face in my chest and I kissed the top of his head.
"Jacob is coming over, he might move in with us." I started. Luca swallowed his tears and looked up at me.
"What..?" He quietly asked.
"Him and Leah broke up, and I offered to let him stay here. If you're okay with it, of course." I further explained. Hee nodded a little and held me closer.
"We don't have to talk about it right now, but he might come over later tonight." I told him. He only nodded again.
"We'll talk about it later." I said, switching the subject and taking the hint.

"You just wanna cuddle? You want Daddy's lovies?" I asked, getting an enthusiastic nod this time. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his forhead over and over again. He giggled and stimmed.
"Kiss?" He asked, looking at me hopeful. I smiled and cupped my hand over his cheek, leaning in close before pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed me back, passionately. When I pulled away for a split second, Luca almost instantly kissing me once again. But, I'm not complaining. If a cute boy wants to kiss me, who am I to say no? The second time I pulled away, only for air, he let me breath. How can he always look so pretty..? His cheeks were a little pink, his lips were slightly parted, and he was breathing hard.
"Are you still little?" I asked, rubbing his back and ignoring thoughts that weren't clean.

"I'm big now." He confirmed, shaking his head and making me smile.
"Good. Because I forgot to tell you this morning how pretty your ass looks in those jeans." I mumbled, moving my hands lower down his back and hooking my thumbs in two of his belt loops.
"It's probably good you didn't tell me, we would've been late to my appointment." He said, smiling cheekily.
"We don't have anything to be late to the rest of the night.." I observed, smirking a little. He looked at me lustfully for a second before leaning in and kissing me hard again. I kissed him back and moved my hands from his ass to the button of his jeans, as I pulled away slightly.
"Can I?" I asked, on the verge of unbuttoning his pants. He nodded fast before enveloping me in a kiss again. I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down with his boxers.

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