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[Jacob POV]

I guess last night I gave him a few hickeys, 'cause when I woke up he had them littered around his left collarbone. I didn't remember doing that, but I don't put it past me. However, I had my doctor's appointment in 2 hours and I had to get Luca's meds from Kayden before that. I groaned and got out of bed, picking out jeans and a new t-shirt. I'm gonna ask Kayden if I can get our stuff from his house. I'm not going on my own if he agrees, but I'm not taking Luca in there either. It'll probably be Spade and Chris while I let Jess watch Luca. I woke Luca up and helped him get ready to go, putting him in sweatpants and a wife beater. I handed him my jacket and put his shoes on while he zipped the jacket up. I slipped my own on before grabbing all my shit. I helped him into the truck and let whatever radio station that was already on play while I drove down to the already agreed on halfway point.

Luca grew increasingly nervous, going from tapping his legs to biting his nails to pulling down the mirror and picking at his face.
"Babe quit, you're gonna make an open wound and then it'll hurt," I warned him but I don't think he was listening to me. I turned down the radio and rested my hand on his leg.
"You hear me?" I asked, glancing at him before going back to watching the road. He reluctantly put his hands down and nodded.
"Ya," He mumbled, going back to nail biting.
"You're gonna be okay, he's handing off the meds and I ask one question, then we're leaving," I told him.
"What question?" He quietly asked, not bothering to take his hands out of his mouth.
"About when I can get our stuff from his house," I truthfully said, putting both hands back on the steering wheel.
"Am- am I gonna have to go with?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"No, you won't, I think Spade and Chris will go with me and Jess can watch you. The girl whose little you had a play date with?" I reminded him. He made a noise of some sort and put his head against the seat.

I know he doesn't want to see Kayden, but I kinda need his prescription if I was Luca to stay moderately stabilized. I pulled into the gas station we decided on, the parking spot right next to his car, and kissed Luca's head.
"Lock the doors, I have the keys to unlock it myself so you don't need to open 'em," I instructed him before unbuckling. He quickly pecked my lips one last time before I got out. I walked up to Kayden's already rolled-down window as he watched me.
"Hey," I greeted, leaning against his door. He gave me a 'hi' before grabbing the pill bottle and handing me it through the window.
"At night, right?" I asked, double-checking. I could read the label, but it was kinda fading so I didn't want to try right now in a gas station parking lot.
"Ya, one at night, and he's supposed to eat something before taking them," He told me. He seems down, but I don't really care enough to ask about it. "Plus I grabbed his phone cause I figured he'd need it."
"By the way, can I come over some times this weekend to get my stuff from the upstairs room?" I asked, putting the bottle and phone in my pocket.
"Sure. I'm off Tuesday so you can swing by whenever," He concluded.
"Great, I'll see you then," I finalized, getting a small goodbye before he turned his keys in the ignition. I unlocked my truck and hopped in as he pulled out.

"That wasn't too bad, I'm gonna grab our stuff Tuesday since he's off all day," I informed my boyfriend. He nodded a little before wiping his face and sniffling.
"What's wrong, Lukie?" I asked, randomly adopting Spade's nickname for him. I feel like Bubbas is too baby-ish for him right now and I've already said 'baby'.
"I don't like seeing him..." He whined, chewing on his fingers.
"I know, this is the last time," I said, trying to look on the bright side. I saw him take on more breath before starting to cry, hard.
"Shh, no no, it's okay," I quickly tried to soothe him as he reached for me.
"Come here, Bubba, you're okay," I whispered as I pulled him into my lap.
"Shhh, I'm here," I started. What should I do? Should I distract him or help him through it? I think taking his mind off it, for now, is most convenient considering I also have somewhere I have to be.
"You remember what the ducky says?" I asked, it was just the first thing that came to mind that I could help ground him with. He nodded a little and rubbed his face, continuing to wail.
"What's it say? You're such a smart boy, I know you remember," I encouraged him.

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